[M3commit] CVS Update: cm3

Jay Krell jkrell at elego.de
Thu May 13 11:35:30 CEST 2010

CVSROOT:	/usr/cvs
Changes by:	jkrell at birch.	10/05/13 11:35:30

Modified files:
	cm3/m3-sys/cminstall/src/config-no-install/: Solaris.common 

Log message:
	drat: importing a library that imported a system library
	only after running configure_system_libs, does not work:
	== package /Users/jay/dev2/cm3/m3-www/proxy ==
	"/cm3.x86/pkg/X11R4/I386_DARWIN/.M3EXPORTS", line 23: quake runtime error:
	Unable to use definition of "SYSTEM_LIBS" from configuration file "/Users/jay/dev2/cm3/m3-sys/cminstall/src/config-no-install/I386_DARWIN": does not define a value for "X11"
	for now, therefore, on I386_SOLARIS and PPC64_DARWIN always
	run configure_system_libs up front, slow but ok
	on the rest, just do what we were doing -- assuming what was present
	This needs more looking into, as for example it was "threatening"
	to improve things, e.g. look automatically in known but not
	always present locations for stuff, only if asked for.
	(e.g. Motif on Darwin)
	If I'm not completely out in left field, then a solution is
	make this more complete and have cm3 output
	"configure_system_libs" before "import_sys_lib()"
	or something maybe more sophisticated, such as
	callers would unconditionally import_sys_lib()
	and internally cm3 would call configure_system_libs,
	and then if the library isn't present, silently do nothing
	for this directory, and anything that imports it
	maybe with a warning
	(actually it would maybe export a stub .M3EXPORTS, again
	with "failed_import_sys_lib")
	so that the later importer would get a sensible warning:
	not building foo, because it imports bar, which is dependent on abc,
	which isn't present

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