[M3devel] reactor: catalyst vs cm3-ide

Randy Coleburn rcoleburn at scires.com
Sun Jan 27 18:59:32 CET 2008

Hi Roland:
Thanks for your feedback and to the other folks that responded.  At this point, I've elected to go with the CM3-IDE name instead of Catalyst.  Despite the fact that several folks like "Catalyst" (it is a more catchy name and easier to pronounce), it did not intuitively convey the purpose of the program and it conflicts with another trademarked name in the industry.
As for the graphics, I'm not a trained graphic artist or logo designer.  I just tried to put something together that would satisfy the license requirements so we could make this software package available to the community.  One of the conditions was that we remove use of the prior trademarked name and logo/graphic.
Back a few years ago, Olly Stephens came up with the idea of using the battery theme to show the "power" of Modula-3.  In trying to come up with something for CM3-IDE, I went back to Olly's battery theme and embellished it a bit.  Here is the message that I was trying to convey:  The CM3-IDE light bulb is powered by the Modula-3 battery to perform great things for the developer, including creating, building, running, maintaining, and browsing source code packages.
Once we get the CM3-IDE package into the repository, the CM3 community is welcome to improve it and change any of the graphics.  I will be putting all of my original artwork in the repository to provide a starting point for anyone who wants to modify the graphics.  The original art work was done in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and exported to TIF format, then cropped, resized, and converted to GIF as needed for use in the application.  I used IrfanView to do the conversions and manipulations from TIF to GIF.
An announcement will go out on the m3devel news list as soon as the package has been put in the repository.  I am working to finalize the arrangements this week so hopefully you will see it real soon.

>>> Roland Illig <roland.illig at gmx.de> 1/27/2008 11:23 AM >>>
Randy Coleburn wrote:
> Ok, I've gotten some feedback on the new name for reactor.
> I've attached a PDF that has two pages:  one depicts use of Catalyst, 
> the other CM3-IDE.
> Please let me know which you prefer.

If these are going to become logos of any kind, I don't like them both.

- They use lots of different font shapes and sizes. This makes the image 
rather complicated. A logo should use at most one font shape.

- There are lots of components in the logo. To view them all, it takes a 
long time. A logo should be as simple that one can recognize it at a glance.

- What does the battery have to do with Modula-3?

- How does it relate to the light bulb?

- What does the "With Power" on the light bulb mean? Is it important for 
the logo?

- Is there any prior art for these kinds of logos?


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