[M3devel] ***SPAM*** Re: Probably missing too much of development sycle, but WTF?

Dragiša Durić dragisha at m3w.org
Wed May 20 08:48:52 CEST 2009

On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 06:33 +0000, Jay wrote:
> > stuct_sockaddr_un structure
> Structs though are problematic.
> You end up wanting to wrap all the functions that use them.
> Unless they are large structs and then you don't want the waste and
> you are either stuck, or you maybe wrap at the next level up.

This struct uses same headers as struct_sockaddr_in - it's easy one.

> This is an area actually where we still clone the headers, still work
> to do to make it portable and safe.
> > make_dir
> No I had forgotten but I see it searching the web.
> You need the dots smushed out?

  I think so. I am out of cycle there, can you debug it with
CM3_INSTALL_PREFIX set before buildship m3core? That is my problem case,
narrowed as much as possible till now.

Dragiša Durić <dragisha at m3w.org>

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