Hi all:<br>Talking about Windows state, the gui packet (winvbt used in mentor, juno, etc, ..) needs to be checked, at least as I see the problem that Jay and maybe Randy are seeing was reported in a 2003 post on comp.lang.modula3:<br>http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.modula3/browse_thread/thread/cffb2c2cfda5d9b7/a1822c17c9381925#a1822c17c9381925<br><br>Looking more closely, I think there is some code that need to be completed as is documented on the file WinContext.m3 at the procedure:<br>PushStroke (below is a url to show you the comment on that function of dec src that is equal implemented on cm3):<br>http://www.cs.tut.fi/lintula/manual/modula3/m3sources/html/ui/src/winvbt/WinContext.m3.html#PushStroke<br><br>It says:<br> (*<br> * The main omission is that I don't deal with pixmaps!<br> *<br> * Refer back to XGC.ResolveStrokeGC to see just how much
functionality<br> * is missing!<br> *)<br><br>The comment refers to this function that is implemented in xvbt implementation:<br>http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cm3/doc/help/gen_html/ui/src/xvbt/XGC.m3.html#ResolveStrokeGC<br><br>I got into this function (PushPixmap of WinContext ) because the assert fails at WinContext.PushPixmap in the line:<br>*** <*ASSERT*> failed.<br> *** file "..\src\winvbt\WinContext.m3", line 165 :<br>brush := WinGDI.CreatePatternBrush (pst.pmtable[pm].hbmp);<br><br>brush gets NIL. I suspect that is because of the (pst.pmtable[pm].hbmp) argument is not correct.<br>If you have a m3browser winnt machine (pcname named) with latest cm3, this is the url of the procedure implementation:<br>http://pcname:3829/SWinContext.i3.PushPixmap#PushPixmap<br>Or in the cvs online this is the source file of that
function:<br>http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/cm3/m3-ui/ui/src/winvbt/WinContext.m3?rev=;content-type=text%2Fplain<br><br>Also, the function doesn't exist on the old implementation of winvbt (of dec src):<br>http://www.cs.tut.fi/lintula/manual/modula3/m3sources/html/ui/src/winvbt/WinContext.m3.html<br><br>One can look more further, but let me know what do you think. <br><br>Daniel Benavides<br><br><br><br><br><pre><br></pre><br><p>
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