Hi all:<br>I was showing an example to a friend of the Modula-3 tutorial, but we ran into an error with the first one:<br><br>http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cm3/doc/tutorial/m3/m3_2.html#SEC2<br><br><pre>MODULE Main ;<br><br>IMPORT IO; (* So we can print things *)<br><br>VAR name: TEXT; (* a string variable called "name" *)<br><br>BEGIN<br> IO.Put("Enter your name: ");<br> IO.GetLine(name);<br> IO.Put("Your name is: " & name & "\n");<br>END Main.<br><br>"../src/Main.m3", line 9: incompatible types (rd)<br><br>Well fortunately we have this great documentation of the interfaces,<br>so a correct (not formally proved) code is:<br><br>MODULE Main;<br><br>IMPORT IO; (* So we can print things *)<br><br>VAR name: TEXT; (* a string variable called "name" *)<br><br>BEGIN<br> IO.Put("Enter your name: ");<br> name:=IO.GetLine();<br> IO.Put("Your name is: " & name & "\n");<br>END Main.<br></pre>I have a cvs account, I cancheck it also for prepare my
knowledge and merge some modifications of m3-lectern packages to be able to compile them.<br><br>Thanks for the great work you have done to keep this wonderful enviroment going on in so many platforms.<br><br>Happy new years modula-3 developers !!<br><br>Daniel Benavides<br><br><br><br><p>
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