.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'> 1) be sure us -dAP in the cvs upd command. <BR>
cd /home/daniel/code/cm3 <BR>
cvs -z3 -dAP <BR>
Otherwise you miss out on new stuff. Or at least not delete deleted stuff. ? <BR>
cvs --help to double check this. <BR>
2) delete pkgsdb <BR>
rm /home/daniel/code/cm3/scripts/PKGSDB <BR>
I wonder if maybe the file should have a version suffix, and when a rebuild is needed, checkin an update to bump up the version suffix, and before any rebuild, rm PKGSDB*? <BR>
That should fix this problem reasonably well, simply seamless, right? <BR>
Just that occasionally some folks would have to remember to update the version. <BR>
The existing version numbers could do. <BR>
Deleting PKGSDB when there is any doubt is always safe. It will be recreated if it doesn't exist.<BR>
Recreation is slow though and worth optimizing almost all of the time.<BR>
- Jay<BR><BR><BR><BR>
<HR id=EC_stopSpelling>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 22:35:06 +0100<BR>From: dabenavidesd@yahoo.es<BR>To: m3devel@elegosoft.com<BR>Subject: [M3devel] do-cm3-std.sh buildship -> package sysutils not found<BR><BR>Hi all:<BR>I'm getting that error, when launching the script with the latests sources.<BR>Can you see what is missing, I think the sources tree is complete.<BR>Thanks<BR><BR>adminfbd@fbd-desktop:/home/daniel/code/cm3/scripts$ sudo ./do-cm3-std.sh buildship<BR>/home/daniel/code/cm3/scripts/pkgmap.sh -c "/usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3 -build -DROOT='/home/daniel/code/cm3' -DCM3_VERSION_TEXT='d5.7.0' -DCM3_VERSION_NUMBER='050700' -DCM3_LAST_CHANGED='2008-03-16' && /usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3 -ship -DROOT='/home/daniel/code/cm3' -DCM3_VERSION_TEXT='d5.7.0' -DCM3_VERSION_NUMBER='050700' -DCM3_LAST_CHANGED='2008-03-16' " m3bundle<BR>=== package /home/daniel/code/cm3/m3-tools/m3bundle ===<BR> +++ /usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3 -build -DROOT='/home/daniel/code/cm3' -DCM3_VERSION_TEXT='d5.7.0' -DCM3_VERSION_NUMBER='050700' -DCM3_LAST_CHANGED='2008-03-16' && /usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3 -ship -DROOT='/home/daniel/code/cm3' -DCM3_VERSION_TEXT='d5.7.0' -DCM3_VERSION_NUMBER='050700' -DCM3_LAST_CHANGED='2008-03-16' +++<BR>--- building in LINUXLIBC6 ---<BR><BR>ignoring ../src/m3overrides<BR><BR>--- shipping from LINUXLIBC6 ---<BR><BR>. => /usr/local/cm3/pkg/m3bundle/LINUXLIBC6<BR> .M3EXPORTS .M3WEB<BR>../src => /usr/local/cm3/pkg/m3bundle/src<BR> m3bundle.m3<BR>. => /usr/local/cm3/bin<BR> m3bundle<BR>. => /usr/local/cm3/man/man1<BR> m3bundle.1<BR> ==> /home/daniel/code/cm3/m3-tools/m3bundle done<BR><BR>/home/daniel/code/cm3/scripts/pkgmap.sh -c "/usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3 -build -DROOT='/home/daniel/code/cm3' -DCM3_VERSION_TEXT='d5.7.0' -DCM3_VERSION_NUMBER='050700' -DCM3_LAST_CHANGED='2008-03-16' && /usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3 -ship -DROOT='/home/daniel/code/cm3' -DCM3_VERSION_TEXT='d5.7.0' -DCM3_VERSION_NUMBER='050700' -DCM3_LAST_CHANGED='2008-03-16' " import-libs m3core libm3 patternmatching sysutils unittest m3middle m3quake m3scanner m3tools m3cgcat m3cggen m3gdb m3bundle mklib fix_nl libdump arithmetic unittest-numeric bitvector digraph parseparams realgeometry set slisp sortedtableextras table-list tempfiles tcl tcp udp libsio libbuf debug listfuncs embutils m3tk-misc http binIO commandrw tapi serial m3tk mtex m3totex m3tohtml m3scan m3markup m3browser cmpdir cmpfp dirfp uniq netobj netobjd stubgen events rdwr sharedobj sharedobjgen odbc postgres95 db smalldb stablegen stable X11R4 ui PEX vbtkit cmvbt jvideo videovbt web formsvbtpixmaps formsvbt formsview formsedit codeview mg mgkit opengl anim3D zeus m3zume synloc synex metasyn obliqrt obliqparse obliqprint obliq obliqlibemb obliqlibm3 obliqlibui obliqlibanim obliqsrvstd obliqsrvui obliqbinmin obliqbinstd obliqbinui obliqbinanim visualobliq vocgi voquery vorun webvbt recordheap rehearsecode replayheap showheap shownew showthread pkl-fonts juno-machine juno-compiler juno-app cube calculator fisheye mentor<BR>package sysutils not found
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