[M3commit] CVS Update: cm3

Jay Krell jkrell at elego.de
Wed Feb 24 13:28:00 CET 2010

CVSROOT:	/usr/cvs
Changes by:	jkrell at birch.	10/02/24 13:28:00

Modified files:
	cm3/m3-sys/m3back/src/: Codex86.i3 Codex86.m3 M3x86.m3 

Log message:
	another little helper function bites the dust, at least for NT386
	size_t __stdcall set_member(size_t elt, size_t* set)
	register size_t word = elt / SET_GRAIN;
	register size_t bit  = elt % SET_GRAIN;
	return (set[word] & (((size_t)1) << bit)) != 0;
	with bt instruction
	which does it all, and leaves the result in the carry flag (some
	gymnastics then to get the carry flag)
	0000003C: 56                 push        esi
	0000003D: 53                 push        ebx
	0000003E: FF 15 30 00 00 00  call        dword ptr [T$111+30h]   Shouldn't this be a direct call, save a byte?
	00000044: 89 45 F4           mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],eax
	11 bytes, 4 instructions (plus the function!)
	after, attempt #1
	0000003C: 0F A3 1E           bt          dword ptr [esi],ebx
	0000003F: 0F 92 45 F0        setb        byte ptr [ebp-10h]
	00000043: 33 D2              xor         edx,edx
	00000045: 8A 55 F0           mov         dl,byte ptr [ebp-10h]
	00000048: 89 55 F4           mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],edx
	15 bytes, 5 instructions
	so many to extract the carry!
	Probably a win, but larger.
	Attempt #2:
	Let's try a different approach to capturing the result:
	000000D1: 0F A3 1E           bt          dword ptr [esi],ebx
	000000D4: 1B D2              sbb         edx,edx
	000000D6: F7 DA              neg         edx
	000000D8: 89 55 F8           mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],edx
	10 bytes, 4 instructions
	(though I think the old approach could get by with 10, using a direct call)
	We can probably replace setcc other places similarly (see below).
	I had tried:
	xor eax, eax
	adc eax, 0
	That didn't work. I suspect xor clobbered the carry.
	We could make that work by reserving and clearing the register earlier.
	it is 11 bytes instead of 1
	and this sbb, neg is how Visual C++ compiles:
	int F(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a < b; }
	(further note: > is < but reversed, <= is < but inc instead of neg,
	and, importantly == and != are xor, op, sete regL, should be a nice
	win over our current strategy, if we can reserve/xor the register
	ahead of op)
	Note that now we get the various addressing modes (where set_singleton did not), however
	I couldn't get them to work, probably not encoding them
	with the right amount of indirection, so I force reg/reg addressing.
	Not ideal but probably still much better.
	Note that set_member is pretty heavily used, though none of these changes
	affects set that fit in 32 bits. We really should try to improve gcc backend?

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