[M3commit] CVS Update: cm3

Jay Krell jkrell at elego.de
Thu Jul 29 14:42:13 CEST 2010

CVSROOT:	/usr/cvs
Changes by:	jkrell at birch.	10/07/29 14:42:13

Modified files:
	cm3/m3-sys/cminstall/src/config-no-install/: OpenBSD.common 

Log message:
	Oops: OpenBSD up to and including 4.7 seems to have no $ORIGIN support.
	It has ld -z origin, but that's it.
	OpenBSD users should either set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or rebuild themselves.
	Under consideration, given time, is a new distribution form
	where users will configure (autoconf), assemble, compile C, link, install.
	And probably build m3cc themselves too.

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