[M3commit] CVS Update: cm3

Jay Krell jkrell at elego.de
Tue Mar 2 13:59:31 CET 2010

CVSROOT:	/usr/cvs
Changes by:	jkrell at birch.	10/03/02 13:59:31

Modified files:
	cm3/m3-libs/m3core/src/Csupport/Common/: hand.c 

Log message:
	remove m3_shift64, which for the record was:
	uint64 __stdcall m3_shift64(uint64 a, int b)
	if (b >= 64 || b <= -64)
	a = 0;
	else if (b > 0)
	a <<= b;
	else if (b < 0)
	a >>= -b;
	return a;
	_m3_shift64 at 12:
	00000000: 55                 push        ebp
	00000001: 8B EC              mov         ebp,esp
	00000003: 8B 4D 10           mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
	00000006: 8D 41 3F           lea         eax,[ecx+3Fh]
	00000009: 83 F8 7E           cmp         eax,7Eh
	0000000C: 77 1C              ja          0000002A
	0000000E: 8B 45 08           mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
	00000011: 8B 55 0C           mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
	00000014: 85 C9              test        ecx,ecx
	00000016: 7E 07              jle         0000001F
	00000018: E8 00 00 00 00     call        __allshl
	0000001D: EB 0F              jmp         0000002E
	0000001F: 7D 0D              jge         0000002E
	00000021: F7 D9              neg         ecx
	00000023: E8 00 00 00 00     call        __aullshr
	00000028: EB 04              jmp         0000002E
	0000002A: 33 C0              xor         eax,eax
	0000002C: 33 D2              xor         edx,edx
	0000002E: 5D                 pop         ebp
	0000002F: C2 0C 00           ret         0Ch

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