[M3devel] relocation out of range on PPC_LINUX (5.2.6)

Jay jayk123 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 24 19:12:07 CET 2007

Lots of segfaults once the new cm3cg is shipped.. pretty much for every file.. next week..

 - Jay

> From: jayk123 at hotmail.com
> To: m3devel at elegosoft.com
> Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 13:52:03 +0000
> Subject: [M3devel] relocation out of range on PPC_LINUX (5.2.6)
> (My goodness Linux continues to disappoint...not because
> of this Modula-3 stuff per se, though cminstall kind of stinks
> vs. somethhing more autoconf-ish..)
> Anyway:
> Using the 5.2.6 distribution on Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 (unpatched, I can't
> quite figure out how to get patches... one reason Linux disappoints,
> at the same time I can't patch the Linux system, a Windows system
> rebooted itself at 3am to take an update, which I also don't like..)
> [jay at localhost t]$ rm -rf PPC_LINUX
> [jay at localhost t]$ ls -Rl
> .:
> total 4
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay jay 72 Dec 24 04:45 Hello.m3
> [jay at localhost t]$ cat Hello.m3
> IO.Put("hello");
> END Hello.
> [jay at localhost t]$ cm3 -version
> Critical Mass Modula-3 version 5.2.6
> last updated: 2003-06-27
> configuration: /usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3.cfg
> [jay at localhost t]$ which cm3
> /usr/local/cm3/bin/cm3
> [jay at localhost t]$ cm3
> new source -> compiling Hello.m3
> -> linking prog
> [jay at localhost t]$ PPC_LINUX/prog
> PPC_LINUX/prog: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/cm3/pkg/m3core/PPC_LINUX/libm3core.so.5: R_PPC_REL24 relocation at 0x0fe1220c for symbol `memset' out of range
> [jay at localhost t]$ ldd PPC_LINUX/prog
> libm3.so.5 => /usr/local/cm3/pkg/libm3/PPC_LINUX/libm3.so.5 (0x0fe94000)
> libm3core.so.5 => /usr/local/cm3/pkg/m3core/PPC_LINUX/libm3core.so.5 (0x0fdde000)
> libm3gcdefs.so.5 => /usr/local/cm3/lib/libm3gcdefs.so.5 (0x0fdbb000)
> libm.so.6 => /lib/tls/libm.so.6 (0x30015000)
> libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (0x3009b000)
> /lib/ld.so.1 (0x0ffd0000)
> I won't likely have a computer on which to investigate this over the next week.
> (Already bringing two. :) )
> Building standalone works..just hack m3_link in cm3.cfg to say shared = "".
> cm3 is already standalone, but in case other executables are built and used..
> So the question then becomes:
> Anyone know what causes this?
> How to avoid the binaries I'm going to produce having the same problem,
> perhaps on another machine and not mine?
> The error seems almost self explanatory.
> m3core.so.5 starts at 0x0fdde000 and extends to..?
> presumably something under 0x0fe1220c.
> Btw, I put in the request to fix alma mater mail forwarding, waiting for them now.
> - Jay
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