[M3devel] strange errors...

j k jayk123 at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 24 01:03:43 CEST 2007

Windows should be in pretty good shape. I had it working a few months ago at 
least. It can at least build itself repeatedly and run a few GUI apps. I had 
it working with various versions of Visual C++ from 2.0 to 8.0, including 
almost everything in between -- the main issue is really just my dependency 
on link /dump to grok import .libs. I didn't realize how much link /dump had 
changed through the years.

Try using the latest cm3 binary release and upgrading to the latest CVS with 
If anyone is interested in being able to go from DEC SRC to CVS let me know. 
I never tried that..and it annoys me that it requires applying source 

  - Jay

>From: "Randy Coleburn" <rcoleburn at scires.com>
>To: "Mika Nystrom" <mika at async.caltech.edu>,<m3devel at elegosoft.com>
>CC: mika at camembert.async.caltech.edu
>Subject: Re: [M3devel] strange errors...
>Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 14:36:32 -0400
>I've used CM3 (v4.1) on Windows for years with Trestle, FormsVBT,
>NetObjects, etc..
>Make sure to use the v2 of Network Objects.
>I haven't moved up to the most recent version yet.  I tried some time
>ago, but ran into some problems with Bundles not working correctly.
>Maybe this is fixed now.  I should try again.
>Randy Coleburn
> >>> Mika Nystrom <mika at async.caltech.edu> 6/23/2007 3:34 AM >>>
>Hello everyone,
>I am in the process of trying to consolidate build systems for a
>few software packages I am maintaining.  Currently, I am using an
>old PM3 on FreeBSD4, an ancient PM3 (from Klagenfurt?) for Windows
>(NT386GNU), and trying to get the latest CM3 from cvs up and compiling
>things on PPC_DARWIN.  Ideally, I'd like to standardize everything
>on the new PM3---mainly so that I can use pickles (and Network
>Objects) across all three systems.  I'd also like to add Linux to
>the mix.
>It's natural for me to start with CM3 on Darwin, as there's no
>alternative.  But I am getting some assertions failing.  Everything
>in the CM3 distribution compiles fine, and I believe I have compiled
>the libraries a few times (that is, including with themselves), and
>updated the compiler, too (using boot-cm3-with-m3.sh).  I just cvs
>updated tonight.
>Here's what I'm running into:
>/Users/mika/t/parserlib/ktok/PPC_DARWIN/tok ../src/CHP.t -o CHPTok.i3
>*** runtime error:
>***    <*ASSERT*> failed.
>***    file "../src/runtime/common/RTCollector.m3", line 2314
>/Users/mika/t/parserlib/ktok/PPC_DARWIN/tok ../src/PRS.t -o PRSTok.i3
>Illegal instruction
>As you can see, these things are coming from the caltech_parser.  I am
>our local version, but I don't think it is very different from what is
>in the
>CM3 tree.
>Examining the first error (the failed assertion) more closely, I see
>the following:
>(gdb) list
>108         wr := FileWr.Open(Pathname.ReplaceExt(tp.out, "m3"));
>109       EXCEPT OSError.E =>
>110         Debug.Error("Cannot open tok implementation output file: "
>111           Pathname.ReplaceExt(tp.out, "m3"));
>112       END;
>113       Wr.PutText(wr, subs.apply(Bundle.Get(Form, "tokform.m3")));
>114       Wr.Close(wr);
>115     END Main.
>(gdb) where
>#0  0x9004308c in kill ()
>#1  0x9009fb3c in abort ()
>#2  0x00096f50 in RTOS__Crash () at RTOS.m3:20
>#3  0x0005bd40 in RTProcess__Crash (M3_Bd56fi_msg=0x0) at
>#4  0x0008e4e0 in RTError__EndError (M3_AicXUJ_crash=1 '\001') at
>#5  0x0008e08c in RTError__MsgS (M3_AJWxb1_file=0xc63d8,
>M3_AcxOUs_line=2314, M3_Bd56fi_msgA=0xca3d0, M3_Bd56fi_msgB=0xcbe90,
>M3_Bd56fi_msgC=0xca3d0) at RTError.m3:40
>#6  0x0008eb88 in RTException__Crash (M3_Cblw37_a=0xbfffee00,
>M3_AicXUJ_raises=0 '\0', M3_AJWxb1_rte=0xcb538) at RTException.m3:79
>#7  0x0008e74c in RTException__DefaultBackstop (M3_Cblw37_a=0xbfffee00,
>M3_AicXUJ_raises=0 '\0') at RTException.m3:39
>#8  0x0008e614 in RTException__InvokeBackstop (M3_Cblw37_a=0xbfffee00,
>M3_AicXUJ_raises=0 '\0') at RTException.m3:25
>#9  0x00095d04 in RTException__Raise (M3_Cblw37_act=0xbfffee00) at
>#10 0x0008e840 in RTException__DefaultBackstop (M3_Cblw37_a=0xbfffee00,
>M3_AicXUJ_raises=0 '\0') at RTException.m3:47
>#11 0x0008e614 in RTException__InvokeBackstop (M3_Cblw37_a=0xbfffee00,
>M3_AicXUJ_raises=0 '\0') at RTException.m3:25
>#12 0x00095d04 in RTException__Raise (M3_Cblw37_act=0xbfffee00) at
>#13 0x00079740 in RTHooks__ReportFault (M3_AJWxb1_module=0xb3eb8,
>M3_AcxOUs_info=74048) at RTHooks.m3:110
>#14 0x0006ff4c in _m3_fault (M3_AcxOUs_arg=74048)
>#15 0x0006bcf4 in RTHooks__CheckStoreTraced (M3_Af40ku_ref=0xb2415c) at
>#16 0x000700e4 in ThreadPThread__InnerLockMutex (M3_AYIbX3_m=0xb2415c,
>M3_BXP32l_self=0xb24014) at ThreadPThread.m3:126
>#17 0x000704d8 in ThreadPThread__LockMutex (M3_AYIbX3_m=0xb2415c) at
>#18 0x00019b24 in Wr__PutText (M3_BxxOH1_wr=0xb2415c,
>M3_Bd56fi_t=0xb44d5c) at Wr.m3:93
>#19 0x00003f74 in Main_M3 (M3_AcxOUs_mode=1) at Main.m3:113
>#20 0x0005b1c4 in RTLinker__RunMainBody (M3_DjPxE3_m=0xad190) at
>#21 0x00059f88 in RTLinker__AddUnitI (M3_DjPxE3_m=0xad190) at
>#22 0x0005a084 in RTLinker__AddUnit (M3_DjPxE5_b=0x3600) at
>#23 0x00001fac in main (argc=4, argv=0xbffffb24, envp=0xbffffb38) at
>The second error:
>Program received signal EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION, Illegal
>0x00b111ac in ?? ()
>(gdb) where
>#0  0x00b111ac in ?? ()
>#1  0x0001214c in TextSubs__Apply (M3_CN69dV_self=0xb26450,
>M3_Bd56fi_src=0xb21cec) at TextSubs.m3:63
>#2  0x0005b1c4 in RTLinker__RunMainBody (M3_DjPxE3_m=0xad190) at
>#3  0x00059f88 in RTLinker__AddUnitI (M3_DjPxE3_m=0xad190) at
>#4  0x0005a084 in RTLinker__AddUnit (M3_DjPxE5_b=0x3600) at
>#5  0x00001fac in main (argc=4, argv=0xbffffb24, envp=0xbffffb38) at
>(gdb) list
>58        BEGIN
>59          WHILE pos < textLen DO
>60            c := Text.GetChar(src, pos);
>61            IF c IN self.starts THEN
>62              (* S("analysing: " & Text.Sub(src, pos), DebugLevel);
>63              iter := self.tbl.iterateOrdered();
>64              ind := pos;
>65              original := "";
>66              REPEAT
>67                INC(ind);
>Any ideas what to look at?
>I don't know if this is relevant:
>[lapdog:~/t/cit_parse/PPC_DARWIN] mika% uname -a
>Darwin lapdog.local 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30
>20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power
>Macintosh powerpc
>[lapdog:~/t/cit_parse/PPC_DARWIN] mika% gcc -v
>Reading specs from /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/3.3/specs
>Thread model: posix
>gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)
>      Mika
>P.S. Am I correct in assuming that I can get CM3 to build on Windows?
>I could switch to CM3 on Unix any time, of course, but I've never
>had luck with it on Windows, which is why I am using the ancient
>Klagenfurt PM3, which comes on 40-odd "floppies" and a .EXE that
>unpacks them into C: (and installation instructions only in German).
>If CM3 doesn't work on Windows, I am essentially wasting my time,
>as the current project I am working on absolutely requires that the
>software run on Windows 2003 Server (yes, it sucks, but what can
>you do?)  The very old PM3 at least kind of hobbles along on this
>platform---actually, better than that; it does Trestle natively
>under Windows (no X required), at least on SOME Windows machines.
>P.P.S. Sorry for all the postscripts, but is it true that the
>build system has been changed so that building with overrides (cm3 -x)
>requires having the compiler sources available?  It didn't use to
>be that way, but I can't get Network Objects to work with overrides
>now unless I have the sources available...  It's a bit of a pain
>because it means that every user has to have the compiler sources,
>or else ship everything, or was that not the intention?

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