[M3devel] small objects

Tony Hosking hosking at cs.purdue.edu
Tue Apr 7 08:58:43 CEST 2009


TYPECODE(r) = RT0.RefanyTypecode if r is a tagged REFANY.

(It is a static error to say TYPECODE(REFANY))

On 7 Apr 2009, at 16:55, Tony Hosking wrote:

> After all of this -- I may simply be coming back around to your  
> original proposal -- why not simply declare:
> TaggedInteger.T = REFANY;
> ?
> You can't instantiate a REFANY.
> All we really need is the LOOPHOLEing of your original proposal to  
> extract the integer values, and to make sure that ISTYPE and NARROW  
> have the behavior you describe for tagged REFANY.  Does it make  
> sense that TYPECODE(r) = TYPECODE(REFANY) for any tagged REFANY?   
> What else are we missing?
> On 7 Apr 2009, at 06:39, Mika Nystrom wrote:
>> And finally, to forestall a possible objection to the scheme
>> I proposed:
>> Yes, it is true that even a non-UNSAFE module can allocate a
>> TaggedInteger.T by calling
>> new := RTAllocator.NewTraced(TYPECODE(r))
>> where r is a tagged integer.
>> But since it cannot dereference that new value or do anything else
>> with it, I don't think this is a problem.  The Pickler (built into
>> the TaggedInteger module, one must assume) would simply have to
>> be on the lookout for values of the "real" TaggedInteger.T versus
>> those that are just numbers with the LSB set, and act accordingly.
>> Since the T declaration is only visible within the UNSAFE module
>> there can never be any question of another module's muddling the
>> two types up.
>>   Mika
>> Mika Nystrom writes:
>>> "Rodney M. Bates" writes:
>>>> At first, I just envisioned implementing a small object type
>>>> entirely inside an UNSAFE module, using unsafe operations
>>>> to construct/test/separate the values.  I think if the GC were
>>>> to just to ignore words in heap objects that the type system
>>>> claims are unambiguously pointers but actually have misaligned
>>>> values, this could be done.
>>> Right that's precisely what the module I posted does.
>>>> But it flies in the face of a fundamental principle of Modula-3,
>>>> namely that an UNSAFE module, if coded correctly, can prevent
>>>> all other code from consequences of the unsafety.  Unfortunately,
>>>> this can't be done with the small pointers, because, even if
>>>> opaque, they are still reference types, and client code can
>>>> dereference them (including the implicit dereference in accessing
>>>> a method or field of an object) and do ISTYPE, NARROW, TYPECASE,
>>>> and assignments that do an implicit NARROW.  All these operations
>>>> could be done outside the implementing module and all could
>>>> suffer from misaligned values.
>>> Well yes that is true.  But the client can't dereference REFANY.
>>> Modula-3 doesn't permit that.  That's an important practical point,
>>> because now we're limited to the other things: ISTYPE, NARROW
>>> (implicit and explicit), TYPECASE.  (There are two more, actually,
>>> and they are = and #.)  As long as those can be guaranteed to fail
>>> you're OK. [ Actually see my P.S. below! ]
>>>> In fact,  misaligned integer "objects" violate another principle  
>>>> that
>>>> the bit pattern must always be a valid representation of some value
>>>> of the type.
>>> Yes I think maybe this is what Tony is worried about.  But let's
>>> just change the definition of REFANY to include anything with the
>>> LSB set...?
>>> In Modula-3-ese it would be more like the following:
>>> "REFANY can hold three types of objects.  NIL, REF something or an
>>> implementation-defined other set of values that can only be accessed
>>> in an UNSAFE module.  It is a checked runtime error to pass a  
>>> of the third kind' to ISTYPE, NARROW, TYPECASE." [ Actually see my  
>>> P.S. below! ]
>>> Then I propose we punt the handling of the new REFANYs to this
>>> unsafe module we spoke about above.  As far as Modula-3 is  
>>> concerned,
>>> there's just a set of values of (apparently) very little utility
>>> that can be represented by REFANY.  If you think about it, this is
>>> really not so crazy.  Any module that uses REFANY today is designed
>>> around to the fact that there are plenty of values of REFANY that
>>> can be of no interest to that module except for passing along to
>>> another module.  (REFANY can easily represent a type which a module
>>> has no way of accessing *any* declaration of beyond just REFANY.)
>>> We're just adding some others, the only difference being that the
>>> new values are of no interest to any non-UNSAFE module.  (Eh,
>>> technically this is already true for any reference type that is
>>> declared in an UNSAFE module today so one might argue we have in
>>> fact added nothing.)
>>>> However, this does suggest a different and very simple linguistic
>>>> solution:  Just have a new builtin type, say VERYOPAQUE, that
>>>> supports no operations other than moving it around, i.e.,
>>>> assignment, bindings,  passing as a parameter, etc.   Only unsafe
>>>> code could do anyhing with it, by using LOOPHOLE.   The only
>>>> problem is, would somebody then want one of these in a size other
>>>> than one word?
>>> This is nice, and we already have a candidate type, in fact:  
>>> But the problem is that the GC doesn't follow this even if the LSB
>>> is clear... which we *do* want.
>>> Why are you worried about getting it in sizes other than one word?
>>> That seems to me to be an application problem.  If someone wants
>>> an ARRAY OF VERYOPAQUE is that a problem?
>>>   Mika
>>> P.S. Illustration of the above, in today's Modula-3:
>>> (* this module is just declared UNSAFE to conform with the  
>>> definition
>>> above, namely, that T can only be manipulated in an UNSAFE
>>> module, which this is! *)
>>> Safe.P(NEW(T))
>>> END Unsafe.
>>> (****************************************)
>>> MODULE Safe;
>>>  NARROW(r, X); (* checked runtime error for all X *)
>>>  ISTYPE(r, X); (* returns FALSE for all X except REFANY itself *)
>>>    X => (* only gets executed for X = REFANY *)
>>>  END;
>>> END P;
>>> BEGIN END Safe.
>>> Actually is this behavior so bad for tagged integers?  Since it is
>>> the behavior of existing code... why not keep it?  Then you can even
>>> store a tagged integer in a RefList.T, say, even if that RefList.T
>>> uses NARROW or ISTYPE on the argument (I don't see why it would, but
>>> why not...?)
>>>> Mika Nystrom wrote:
>>>>> Ah I should read my whole inbox before replying.
>>>>> I take it you would worry that in my proposal (to do this all in a
>>>>> library) the use of REFANY to store an integer could be abused
>>>>> somehow.  That the Modula-3 type system (as it exists now)  
>>>>> explicitly
>>>>> rules out doing such things, and therefore, a language change is
>>>>> necessary....
>>>>>   Mika
>>>>> Tony Hosking writes:
>>>>>> I like the notion of having a TAGGED INTEGER type that is a  
>>>>>> hybrid
>>>>>> ordinal/reference.
>>>>>> Subtyping rules for references would now be as follows:
>>>>>> NULL <: REF T <: REFANY
>>>>>> ROOT <: REFANY
>>>>>> NULL <: T OBJECT ... END <: T
>>>>>> TAGGED INTEGER <: T OBJECT ... END <: T (but only for T <:  
>>>>>> REFANY, not
>>>>>> T <: ADDRESS)
>>>>>> Thus, TAGGED INTEGER is a funny sort of hybrid ordinal/reference
>>>>>> type.  Values of TAGGED INTEGER are non-pointer values similar  
>>>>>> to the
>>>>>> value NIL.  We can then do ISTYPE(x, TAGGED INTEGER), and  
>>>>>> NARROW(x,
>>>>>> TAGGED INTEGER), and TYPECODE(TAGGED INTEGER), similarly to  
>>>>>> ISTYPE(x,
>>>>>> Because TAGGED INTEGER is an ordinal we can extract the integer  
>>>>>> value
>>>>>> it holds using ORD(x).
>>>>>> Similarly, we can construct a TAGGED INTEGER using VAL(x, TAGGED
>>>>>> INTEGER).
>>>>>> ***The only problem with this scheme is how to efficiently  
>>>>>> perform run-
>>>>>> time tests for dereferencing NULL, and TAGGED INTEGER?***
>>>>>> So, here is a slightly less elegant alternative that is probably
>>>>>> straightforward to implement.  Introduce a separate TAGGED  
>>>>>> hierarchy.
>>>>>> NULL <: REF T <: REFANY
>>>>>> Note that NULL is not a subtype of TAGGED REF T or TAGGED REFANY.
>>>>>> ROOT <: REFANY
>>>>>> NULL <: T OBJECT END <: T where T <: REFANY or T <: ADDRESS
>>>>>> Note that NULL is not a subtype of T OBJECT ... END where T <:  
>>>>>> TAGGED
>>>>>> REFANY.
>>>>>> This way, tagged references only need a run-time test for the  
>>>>>> tag on
>>>>>> dereference (we can throw an "attempt to dereference TAGGED  
>>>>>> INTEGER"
>>>>>> at run time, just like we throw "attempt to dereference NIL" for
>>>>>> untagged references).  This check can be a straightforward test  
>>>>>> of the
>>>>>> low bit tag.  Of course, the weird thing here is now that we  
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> have a single NULL value for TAGGED references --- we have  
>>>>>> multiple
>>>>>> null values VAL(x, TAGGED INTEGER).  Instead of asking "x ==  
>>>>>> NIL" we
>>>>>> must ask "ISTYPE(x, TAGGED INTEGER)".
>>>>>> Of course, because TAGGED INTEGER is an ordinal, we can also  
>>>>>> perform
>>>>>> the usual ordinal operations like INC(x), DEC(x), wherever x is  
>>>>>> typed
>>>>>> On 6 Apr 2009, at 11:44, Rodney M. Bates wrote:
>>>>>>> I spent quite a bit of time playing with a more general system  
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> there is a set of "tagged" types, with (an implementation- 
>>>>>>> defined
>>>>>>> subrange of) INTEGER and a reference type both being a subtype  
>>>>>>> of a
>>>>>>> tagged type.  It might have been tolerable, if it weren't for  
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> interaction with object subtypes and opaque types, which quickly
>>>>>>> gets deep into a deep linguistic tar pit.
>>>>>>> Tony's approach is much simpler and would serve what I see as  
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> need.  It does sacrifice any static checking of what reference  
>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>> is being tagged, and will also require an extra runtime ISTYPE/
>>>>>>> TYPECASE.
>>>>>>> Would INTEGER and REFANY be assignable to TAGGED, or would there
>>>>>>> also need to be an explicit conversion in that direction too,  
>>>>>>> say
>>>>>>> VAL(x, TAGGED)?  I think I favor the explicit conversion  
>>>>>>> here.  It
>>>>>>> is a bit inconsistent with the usual Modula-3 assignability
>>>>>>> philosophy,
>>>>>>> but not requiring the explicit conversion already gets your toes
>>>>>>> into tar.
>>>>>>> We would have to have something more like ISTYPE, though,  
>>>>>>> which will
>>>>>>> tell which type the value belongs to without risking a runtime  
>>>>>>> error,
>>>>>>> which VAL would do.
>>>>>>> An intermediate approach might be to have a set of tagged types
>>>>>>> constructed by, say, TAGGED T, where I is a reference type, but
>>>>>>> with no subtype relations on them at all, thus still requiring
>>>>>>> the explicit conversions and checks.
>>>>>>> I do want to say, I _really_ want this capability somehow.  I  
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> an ADT module whose internal data structure, for full  
>>>>>>> generality,
>>>>>>> needs to have two heap objects (the second because it has  
>>>>>>> nonstatic
>>>>>>> size) and 11 total words counting the orginal pointer, in the  
>>>>>>> case of
>>>>>>> values that would fit directly  into the "pointer" word.   
>>>>>>> Moreover,
>>>>>>> these small cases are in the great majority.
>>>>>>> Besides the 11-to-one increase in actual occupied space, there
>>>>>>> is extra time for allocation, periodic tracing, and  
>>>>>>> collection, space
>>>>>>> loss due to heap fragmentation, and time/space tradeoff loss  
>>>>>>> due to
>>>>>>> reduced locality of reference.  So sometimes, it would be a big
>>>>>>> performance gain if we could do it.
>>>>>>> Tony Hosking wrote:
>>>>>>>> It is a much more pervasive hack than I would be comfortable  
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> since it touches on the compiler (for all the type  
>>>>>>>> operations) as
>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>> as the run-time system in ways that are pretty gross.  I  
>>>>>>>> would much
>>>>>>>> rather have a new TAGGED builtin.  ISTYPE would not work on  
>>>>>>>> it since
>>>>>>>> that only works on references.  The only thing you need is a  
>>>>>>>> way to
>>>>>>>> extract the value -- we could overload VAL(x, T) where x can  
>>>>>>>> be a
>>>>>>>> TAGGED and T can be REFANY or INTEGER.

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