[M3devel] bad web pages

Jay K jay.krell at cornell.edu
Mon Jul 27 18:44:57 CEST 2009

sorry if this too rude.
I've been avoiding saying anything because I haven't done anything to fix it and because my complaints are a little vague. But I am sure there is something significant here. When something bugs I often wait and see if it stops bugging me, maybe I overreact initially. But this has continued to bug me.
I'm sorry, but our web pages are not very good.
Too much information, too many details presented too early, hard to see the little a new person needs.
I don't have the patience right now to go into detail, but starting here:
Much too much stuff.
Beginners need to quickly get to a download, and quickly have hello world working, and then a link to the language and library documentation.
Telling them about packages early is not useful.
Having so many options as to what to download is not useful.
  I admit even my min vs. std separation is not great.
  It is embarassing either way -- either you are a huge download or you have pitiful little functionality. Though libm3 is not exactly pitiful I gather.
They don't care much about quake.
Just give one or two quick tutorial examples:
  - here is how you build a program from multiple source files
  - optionally here is how you build a library (obviously this information must be provided, but not super early)
My other complaint is that I go here:
and there is a link "WWW service for CM3 and PM3"
Huh? WWW Service? Aren't I already there?
Perhaps I just pick a bad starting point?
Is the distinction Modula-3 the language vs. the two distributions CM3 and PM3?
Maybe we should ignore PM3 and equate Modula-3 with CM3, and somehow merge this stuff?
The package download service? Does anyone use it?
The problem, the reason I don't rewrite stuff and am just a lazy complainer, is that in total there's a bunch of stuff in there. The way it is laid out is bad. It used to take me a while to find stuff.
I can't be very concrete now..maybe the organization has changed..I thought it was the stuff you have to scroll to the bottom for, but I don't use that anymore.
One concrete thing is that http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cm3/about-cm3.html#if-changes doesn't need to be so 
visible, it's spot could be used for something of more general use.
I realize that it was more valuable when 5.1 was new, and then its value degraded gradually.
It depends how much there is out there that works with 3.x?4.x?PM3 and doesn't work with CM3?
Perhaps a very big part of the answer here is deb packages?
 - add such and such line to whatever file
 - apt-get modula3-min or modula3-all, or whatever you want in-between?
 - apt-whatever -list modula3-*?
I guess we'd have to call them cm3 not modula3.
 - Jay

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