[M3devel] the so_linger inconsistency between Posix and Windows

Jay K jay.krell at cornell.edu
Fri Sep 18 07:19:25 CEST 2009

I've been reading up on SO_LINGER.
Search the web..


There are two or three options, depending on how you view it.







You could view this as an example of the previous.


The behavior is governed by additional bits.
  - does the socket of buffered unset data?
  - is the socket blocking?


Some options result in the socket being "immediately"
closed and unsent buffered data not being sent,

and I think possibly the other side getting an error.


Some options have close return immediately but
send the buffered data in the "background".
This I believe is the default.


Some options have close block waiting for send to finish.
This has pluses/minuses.
The minus is -- what timeout to use?
A plus and minus is, I believe, there is an opportunity for
close to timeout and fail, letting the caller know that
there was a failure to deliver data.
It is good to know about failure, though you'd want to
know if the code was ready to somehow handle the failure.


onoff=0 seems "best".
onoff=1, time=0 seems "bad".
onoff=1, time="large" seems "ok", depending on how large.


I think onoff=0 is the default.
I will verify that with some getsockopt runs.


If it is the default, I think we should just remove the setsockopt(so_linger) code.


One might also imagine that 1 second is not a short time, so even the Windows
code isn't far off from the Posix code. The only big change would be
setting 1,0 or removing setting of 1,0.


What I wish we had but don't know if we have, is some major Modula-3
user of sockets on both Posix and Windows, so that the change can be


I think there is a basic problem in networking code, of unreliability
and inconsistent timing. You don't know how long to wait for something to occur,
when to give up waiting and deciding it failed.


 - Jay

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