[M3devel] help debugging Juno..sanity check?

Jay K jay.krell at cornell.edu
Mon Sep 28 15:11:28 CEST 2009

So, I know that ThreadWin32.T instances are prone to being overwritten.


So I did this:



  T = BRANDED "Thread.T Win32-1.0" OBJECT
>      pad1: ARRAY [0..16_1000] OF CHAR;
>      protect: ARRAY [0..16_1] OF CHAR;
>      pad2: ARRAY [0..16_1000] OF CHAR;


And then there are two occurences of NEW(T):


      next_self          := NEW(T);
>      Protect(next_self);


PROCEDURE CreateT (act: Activation): T =
  (* LL = 0, because allocating a traced reference may cause
     the allocator to start a collection which will call "SuspendOthers"
     which will try to acquire "activeMu". *)
  VAR t := NEW(T, act := act);
>    Protect(t);


PROCEDURE Protect(t: T)=
VAR old: WinDef.DWORD;
 EVAL WinBase.VirtualProtect(LOOPHOLE(ADR(t.protect), SIZE_T), 1, PAGE_READONLY, ADR(old));
END Protect;


This should catch any writes to these fields.



Now, a thread can be garbage collected and reused.

And I'd want to unprotect this memory.

Or prevent the garbage collector from deciding any thread is garbage.

 Second option seems easier and suffices.






threads: ARRAY[0..2000] OF T;  (* big enough for our purposes *)
threadCount: INTEGER;


and more completely:


PROCEDURE Protect(t: T)=
VAR old: WinDef.DWORD;
 EVAL WinBase.VirtualProtect(LOOPHOLE(ADR(t.protect), SIZE_T), 1, PAGE_READONLY, ADR(old));
 RTIO.PutText(" ");
 RTIO.PutText(" ");
 threads[threadCount] := t;
END Protect;


And just in case, I emptied out the FreeSlot function.



But yet I get:


0 0xe2abe0 0x1141021
1 0xe2abe0 0x114b429
2 0xe2abe0 0x11a2311
3 0xe2abe0 0x11a48b1
4 0xe2abe0 0x11ab499
5 0xe2abe0 0x12e9f11
6 0xe2abe0 0x12d211d
7 0xe2abe0 0x11bd691
8 0xe2abe0 0x11d1011
9 0xe2abe0 0x11d3e2d
10 0xe2abe0 0x11d6759
11 0xe2abe0 0x11d8bd1
12 0xe2abe0 0x12089f1
13 0xe2abe0 0x1211455
14 0xe2abe0 0x12138cd
15 0xe2abe0 0x1215ecd
16 0xe2abe0 0x12184cd
17 0xe2abe0 0x121bcd5
18 0xe2abe0 0x121e35d
Grow (0x210000) => 0x2120000   total: 4.1M   span: 17.9M   density: 23%
(b60.9d4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=011b0000 ebx=00010000 ecx=00000060 edx=00000000 esi=011b0000 edi=011bd000
eip=78545e37 esp=01cae5ec ebp=01cae5f0 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010206
78545e37 660f7f07        movdqa  xmmword ptr [edi],xmm0 ds:0023:011bd000=0000000
0:003> k
ChildEBP RetAddr
01cae5f0 78545ea9 MSVCR90!fastzero_I+0x20
01cae610 005dad48 MSVCR90!_VEC_memzero+0x36
01cae634 005d1f34 m3core!RTMisc__Zero+0x1f
01cae68c 005c8191 m3core!RTHeapRep__LongAlloc+0xf3
01cae6d8 005c7793 m3core!RTAllocator__AllocTraced+0xec
01cae70c 005c728d m3core!RTAllocator__GetTracedObj+0x8c
01cae730 005d07d9 m3core!RTHooks__AllocateTracedObj+0x15
01cae784 005d033f m3core!RTCollector__CollectSomeInStateZero+0x45e
01cae798 005cffd6 m3core!RTCollector__CollectSome+0x6e
01cae7dc 005c817c m3core!RTHeapRep__CollectEnough+0x9b
01cae81c 005c7d06 m3core!RTAllocator__AllocTraced+0xd7
01cae858 005c7348 m3core!RTAllocator__GetOpenArray+0x97
01cae880 00f9f50d m3core!RTHooks__AllocateOpenArray+0x19
01cae930 00f9f201 m3ui!WinScrnPixmap__PixmapFromRaw__ConvertColor+0x8f
01cae958 00f9e22f m3ui!WinScrnPixmap__PixmapFromRaw+0x71
01cae9ac 00eb4121 m3ui!WinScrnPixmap__Load+0x320
01caeee4 00eb298d m3vbtkit!Image__ScaleRaw+0xb30
01caef44 00fb2b72 m3vbtkit!Image__ApplyScaled1+0x166
01caef70 00fc0af8 m3ui!VBTRep__PixmapApply+0xbf
01caefcc 00fa6766 m3ui!Palette__ResolvePixmap+0x7db
0:003> r edi



What am I confused about?


Why does it seem that even if I store some pointers in globals, they are getting garbage collected and reused?


I should debug BuildGlobalMap??


 - Jay
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