[M3devel] another longint variant

Jay K jay.krell at cornell.edu
Sat Jan 9 11:22:21 CET 2010


In this variant, the compiler has been made
 "maximally lenient" and the rd/wr changes are minimized.



  compiler allows assignment either way and various math
  operations, including NEW array and array subscript.
  mixing in FOR loops is missing (FOR i := INTEGER TO LONGINT or LONGINT TO INTEGER)


  rd/wr changes outside libm3 are only changing
   the signatures of Seek and Length

   pretty minimal, and hard to imagine they could be smaller,
    though actually they could..well..the need to fix existing
    rd/wr could be eliminated/delayed
    rd/wr could introduce SeekL, LengthL which by default
    call Seek/Length, and then rd/wr could gradually convert,
    and not gain 4GB capability until then


  no VAL or ORD needed


  some rd/wr implementations might be artificially limited
  to 4G simply because they don't chane some INTEGER to LONGINT;
  "anything compiles"


  some of the compiler changes are probably slightly off or incomplete
   including a need to insert the checks for LONGINT => INTEGER

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