[M3devel] Mixed arithmetic

Rodney M. Bates rodney_bates at lcwb.coop
Tue Jan 12 01:18:46 CET 2010

Well, I have been mistaken.  I finally found the statement about argument
types of builtin operators.  Every time I go looking for this, I have trouble
finding it.  I had remembered it wrongly.  It does not say an actual argument must
be assignable to the type in the signature, it says it must be a _subtype_
of the type in the signature.  Actually, it says the overloading is resolved
using the subtype relation, but this has the same effect on what is and
isn't statically legal.

(2.6.1):  The particular operation will be selected so that each actual
           argument type is a subtype of the corresponding formal type or
           a member of the formal type class.

So mixed INTEGER/LONGINT arithmetic does _not_ fall out of the existing
rules.  We would have to insert 4 different overloaded signatures for
+, etc. to allow the mixed arithmetic.  Either way, it makes specifying the
language changes for LONGINT a lot simpler.

This weakens my support of mixed arithmetic.

However, there is still some messiness to be resolved.  The relations do use
assignability rather than subtyping, in such a way that mixed comparisons
do fall out of the existing rules.  (The overload resolution is done on
type class, not type, and doesn't, by itself, preclude mixed INTEGER/
LONGINT comparisons.)  Then there are a lot of other places
that use assignability.  They are:

- assignment statements
- passing parameters to VALUE or READONLY formals
- passing VAR open array parameters (a different kind of assignability, not
      really relevant)
- RAISE statements
- RETURN statements
- Initial value assignment in a VAR declaration
- array subscripts in designators a[i]
- elements of set, array, and record constructors
- relational operators, including IN
- ISTYPE and NARROW (reference types only, thus irrelevant to INTEGER/LONGINT)

I too am generally a fan of syntactic explicitness, rather than having things
happen behind the scenes, without the programmer's coding them.  But if we
disallow mixed arithmetic operations, it seems to me that it becomes
quite arbitrary where we are allowing assignability and where we are
requiring explicit type conversions.

Without LONGINT in the picture, this arbitrariness didn't happen, because
there was no case where assignability vs. subtyping for the arguments of
the arithmetic operators made any difference.

I do think it would be particularly inconsistent to disallow the mixed
arithmetic but allow mixed relations.  As Tony has pointed out, these
two differ from the other uses of assignability in having two expressions
whose types must be used to infer a common value range to do the operation
in.  All the other uses of assignability have only one "target" type to
assign to.

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