[M3devel] my hudson nodes

Rodney M. Bates rodney_bates at lcwb.coop
Thu Oct 14 17:05:46 CEST 2010

Olaf Wagner wrote:
> Quoting Jay K <jay.krell at cornell.edu>:
>> Nearly all of my Hudson nodes are down for now.
>> Maybe indefinitely.
>> Or will bring back only x86/AMD64 as VMs.
>>  (no Linux/sparc, Linux/powerpc, Solaris/sparc, but
>> we have Solaris/sparc otherwise, the rest are minor,
>> and others might rehost them at some point, or
>> I might)
> Hi Jay,
> I feared as much when you offered all your hardware some time ago.
> I didn't contact you then because I don't think it would make sense to
> ship some of the machines to our offices in Europe (too expensive).
> I think especially the xdarwin and xlinux nodes are still of interest
> for M3 users. Perhaps somebody else can host those platforms?

If/when I manage to get a better internet connection, I could host a few.
Right now, I'm stuck with a satellite connection which, aside from being
somewhat slow on bit rate and absolutely glacial on latency, has draconian
bit quotas, both up and down.  And they slow it down a whole lot more if I
exceed them.  It's the only drawback to living out in tallgrass prairie,
which is in all other respects, wonderful.  I continue to work on

> Anyway, thank you very much for providing those build and test machines
> for the recent years. I hope you just clear up the hardware zoo at your
> home and don't plan to give up the work on M3 in general.
> Olaf

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