[M3devel] LONGINT -> more bugs in m3tk

Coleburn, Randy rcolebur at SCIRES.COM
Wed May 18 23:04:41 CEST 2011

Ok, I found some stuff in my archives about a set of documented stubgen problems, but this stuff doesn't include the problem I described with the failure to generate imports for all interfaces.  Actually, I think this interface import problem is with the network objects stub generator, so I will either find or create an example of this problem and submit later.

Here is a short program (with comments) that demonstrates some stubgen problems.  I generated this program back in January 2001, so these are long-standing issues.

Randy Coleburn

m3makefile is:

Netobj("StubGenProblem", "T")

StubGenProblem.i3 is:

INTERFACE StubGenProblem;
(* Interface demonstrating problem with Network Objects Stub Generator *)
(* R.C.Coleburn, 01/24/2001 *)
   MyRecord = RECORD
      a: INTEGER := 0;
      b: TEXT := "zero";
   Default = MyRecord{1, "one"};
   MyObject = OBJECT
      myRec: MyRecord := Default;
      (* if you change above line to be:
         myRec: MyRecord;
         that is, leave out the default initializer, the stub
         generator no longer complains when parameters of type
         MyObject are passed to methods of type T. *)
   T = NetObj.T OBJECT
      (* method testA is accepted by the NetObj Stub Generator *)
      testA(myRec: MyRecord) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted};

      (* method testB is accepted by the NetObj Stub Generator *)
      testB(myRec: MyRecord := Default) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted};

      (* method testC yeilds the following error from the NetObj Stub Generator:
         stubgen: INTERNAL ERROR: AstToVal.ProcessExp: unsupported value *)
      (* Does anyone know why the stub generator can't handle this? *)
      (* Does anyone know of a workaround or a fix to the stub generator? *)
      testC(myObj: MyObject) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted};

      (* BTW, if you comment out the assignment of Default to MyObject.myRec
      in the declaration on line 16, the stub generator no longer complains.
      So, it seems that the problem is passing an object parameter containing
      a record field member with a default initializer.  Note that passing a
      record parameter with a default initializer is not a problem for the
      stub generator. *)
END StubGenProblem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Coleburn, Randy 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 2:28 PM
To: Mika Nystrom; Rodney M. Bates
Cc: m3devel at elegosoft.com
Subject: Re: [M3devel] LONGINT -> more bugs in m3tk

While we are on the subject of the stub generator, there is another long-standing problem.

I've submitted this one years ago and I think I still have the example program I devised to show it.

So, I'll try to dig this up and put it into the bug tracker.

The basic situation is that there are cases where the stub generator doesn't generate imports for all interfaces needed by the resulting stub.  You can work around this problem by manually editing the generated stub to provide the missing imports, but this gets old quickly.

I'll send a follow-up post with the details once I find them in my archives.

Randy Coleburn

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