[M3devel] BITSIZE on constants?

Rodney M. Bates rodney_bates at lcwb.coop
Thu Dec 20 23:34:07 CET 2012

On 12/20/2012 02:50 PM, Jay K wrote:
> I think go has untyped constants.

Ada has them too, but the rules for when they get implicitly converted to a runtime
type are, well, IMO, bizarre.

Even if they were more straightforward, there is inevitably a lot of complexity here
that few working programmers will learn or think about, instead hoping everything
will "just work".  This can only be according their individual idea of how it
should work, which is nowhere close to being either obvious or universal.  Thus
do very subtle bugs occasionally occur, and cause grief all out of proportion to
their frequency.

> But I think Modula-3 constants (expressions) always have a type independent of their use.

Yes.  All in 2.4.2:

You can give a constant a type explicitly:

CONST C : [ - 3 .. 0 ] = - 2;

in which case, the value must be a member of the type.

Or you can omit it, in which case, the type of the constant is the type
of the _expression_.

CONST D = - 2;

There are many values that belong to more than one type (e.g., - 2
belongs to any subrange of INTEGER that contains it).  But every
expression has exactly one type.  In this case, the type of every
integer literal is INTEGER.  And unary "-" applied to an INTEGER
also has type INTEGER, which is the type of D.

BTW, this is why we need different spellings for INTEGER and
LONGINT literals, e.g. 10 and 10L.  It avoids a morass of implied
type conversion rules, etc., that the language already avoided
before LONGINT.  In fact, the same idea is in the original
language for the floating point literals, with "E". "D", or
"X" in the literal spelling, to uniquely denote its type.

>   - Jay
>  > Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 13:08:08 -0500
>  > From: hendrik at topoi.pooq.com
>  > To: m3devel at elegosoft.com
>  > Subject: Re: [M3devel] BITSIZE on constants?
>  >
>  > On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:16:32AM -0600, Rodney M. Bates wrote:
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > On 12/19/2012 11:08 PM, Jay wrote:
>  > > >Eh? isn't bitsize(type) valid? It is in C and seems confroversy-free.
>  > >
>  > > BITSIZE(type) (and BYTESIZE and ADRSIZE) is indeed valid on a _type_ in
>  > > Modula-3. At the last paragraph of 2.6.13, it is defined as the size of a
>  > > _variable_ of that type. The whole idea is that a compiler should not be
>  > > obligated to store a constant in memory.
>  > >
>  > > Presumably, you know statically what the type of a CONST is, so can't you
>  > > just use BITSIZE(TypeOfConst)? If you later changed the constant
>  > > to a different type, it wouldn't self-adapt, but likely other places wouldn't
>  > > either, or maybe would, but not correctly for your program.
>  >
>  > Consider BITSIZE(-3). Doesn't it make a difference whether this -3 is
>  > to be considered as of type -3..0 or INTEGER, or even -3..-3? THis
>  > isn't inherent in the constant, and might on some implementations give
>  > BITSIZEs of 2, 64, or even 0, respectively, if meaningful.
>  >
>  > And if you were to change the language syntax so you'd always have to
>  > write something like (-3..0)(-3) to be explicit you'd end up writing
>  > everything you's write with BITSIZE(TypeOfConst) and more. What you
>  > might gain is a static check that the constant isn't out of bounds.
>  >
>  > -- hendrik

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