[M3devel] Socket error hacks for Ultrix and OSF?

Jay K jay.krell at cornell.edu
Mon Feb 4 08:14:56 CET 2013

We have:

      WITH errno = GetError() DO
        IF errno = EINVAL THEN
          (* hack to try to get real errno, hidden due to NBIO bug in connect *)
          RefetchError (t.fd);
        ELSIF errno = EBADF THEN
          (* we'll try the same for EBADF, which we've seen on Alpha *)
          RefetchError (t.fd);

PROCEDURE RefetchError(fd: INTEGER) =
(* Awful hack to retrieve a meaningful error from a TCP accept
   socket.  Only works on Ultrix and OSF.  Leaves result
   in GetError().  *)
  VAR optbuf: int := 0;   optlen: socklen_t := BYTESIZE(optbuf);
    IF SocketPosix_IsUltrixOrOSF.Value THEN
      EVAL getsockopt (fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
                       ADR(optbuf), ADR(optlen));
  END RefetchError;

does anyone know or believe this is useful code?
Does anyone object to removing it?
I don't believe we'll ever run on Ultrix.
OSF/Tru64 is of very marginal interest.
Posix doesn't bless this code.
It seems ok without this -- it is a subtle matter of precisely which error is raised.
Portable code can't depend on the supposedly better Ultrix/OSF behavior, unless they are substandard and return EINVAL/EBADF when other systems return something more specific.
If I could find this workaround in any half way recently maintained C or C++ (Perl? Python?) I'd feel a lot better. I guess I'll look.

More generally I'd like to see the essentially 4 socket libraries we have (libm3/posix, libm3/win32, m3-comm/win32, m3-comm/posix) merged into one portable C file, and support IPv6...

 - Jay

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