[M3devel] Update on CM3 start error

Rodney M. Bates rodney_bates at lcwb.coop
Sun Oct 2 17:43:01 CEST 2016

On 10/01/2016 01:49 PM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> Update:
> I downloaded the stable version cm3-bin-core-AMD64_LINUX-5.8.6-REL.tgz and cm3 is running there without problems. After some reading I managed to compile cm3ide of the Git version, which wasn't such a big issue. However, I'm not sure if everything went ok because cm3ide, though starting up, soon falls into endless looping - without memory waste - and takes all my three processors in the course of time.

Have you run "cm3ide -verbose"?  For me, using the current git version of everything,
it ran tens of minutes, apparently examining at least my entire home directory for
coding projects.  Without the "-verbose" option, there was no clue it was accomplishing
anything.  With it, there were messages showing progress.

> I tried cm3ide in the 5.8.6 release and the effect was the same: endless loops. Noteworthy here that this version was running while the 5.9 originally, without your fix, wasn't running. Perhaps you can make sense of this.

This is a confident guess.  My fix is for a time-dependent race condition
in cm3ide.  The git version (of the whole repository) uses a newer thread
implementation, which probably changes the outcome of the race, causing
the bug to manifest itself.

> -----
> With this state of affairs I mark cm3ide as unusable, at least here on Ubuntu. Whether the compiler can be used in a meaningful way remains to be seen. Would you say that it makes sense to prefer the latest (Git) version instead of 5.8.6? Have there been important modifications / fixes to the libraries?

There have been many fixes and improvements in the git version, since the 5.8.6 release,
including in libraries that cm3ide uses.  It would be good to use the git version for
everything.  I think probably, it is currently in a more stable condition than the
release.  Definitely so in many specific areas.

But there are complex bootstrap interdependencies among the compiler and libraries.
To build from the git repository using the release compiler, you need to go into
scripts/python and run upgrade-full.sh.  Do you have python installed?

Jay, do I have that right?

> Regards,
> - Wolfgang

Rodney Bates
rodney.m.bates at acm.org

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