[M3devel] idioms for tracking initialization state and raising errors?

Rodney M. Bates rodney_bates at lcwb.coop
Thu Sep 1 17:03:43 CEST 2016

OK, on that basis, I withdraw the suggestion about allocating the PCRITICAL_SECTION
while locked.  In any case, the wasted allocate/delete would probably be rare.

On 08/31/2016 11:18 PM, Hosking, Antony L wrote:
> I may have been suspicious about internal locking within pthread_mutex_new, but don’t recall precisely.  It might even have been a deadlock bug that I encountered.  In general I don’t like library calls inside the mutex blocks - just the state changes I am really trying to protect.
>> On 1 Sep 2016, at 11:40 AM, Rodney M. Bates <rodney_bates at lcwb.coop> wrote:
>> On 08/31/2016 12:58 PM, Rodney M. Bates wrote:
>>> On 07/31/2016 04:07 AM, Jay K wrote:
>>>> Is this a correct idiom?
>>>> If so, I think it is fairly reasonable.
>>>> That is:
>>>>   be very willing to "early return"
>>>>   put all cleanup in finally
>>>>   raise errors in finally
>>>> In particular, I don't want to repeat the cleanup.
>>>> I don't want to raise before leaving critical sections.
>>>> I don't intend this to raise within a raise, but only
>>>> from the "normal" exit of the finally block.
>>>> I also don't want extra local booleans, i.e. raise: boolean to indicate failure.
>>>> Just the one to indicate success.
>>>> PROCEDURE InitMutex (mutex: Mutex) =
>>>>    VAR
>>>>      lock: PCRITICAL_SECTION := NIL;
>>>>      locked: PCRITICAL_SECTION := NIL;
>>>>    BEGIN
>>>>      IF mutex.initialized THEN RETURN END;
>>>>      TRY
>>>>        lock := NewCriticalSection();
>>>>        IF lock = NIL THEN RETURN; END;
>>>           ^I suggest moving the two statements above inside the critical
>>>            section on initLock, after the inner check on mutex.initialized.
>>>            That way, if we lose a race, it avoids executing creation then
>>>            deletion of an unneeded CriticalSection, and further eliminates
>>>            the cleanup action in the code.
>> Tony, is there some reason why, in ThreadPThread.m3, pthread_mutex_new can't be
>> done while holding initMu?  In initMutex, it is doing it the way Jay proposed,
>> i.e., allocate before getting initMu, which (the allocation) could turn out unnecessary
>> if we lose a race, then slightly later, freeing it, never used, if a lost race happened.
>>> BTW, I am assuming initLock is a single global CriticalSection?
>>>>        EnterCriticalSection(ADR(initLock));
>>>>        locked := ADR(initLock);
>>>>        IF mutex.initialized THEN RETURN END;
>>>>        (* We won the race. *)
>>>>        RTHeapRep.RegisterFinalCleanup (mutex, CleanMutex);
>>>>        mutex.lock := lock;
>>>>        lock := NIL;
>>>>        mutex.initialized := TRUE;
>>>>      FINALLY
>>>>        IF locked # NIL THEN LeaveCriticalSection(locked); END;
>>>>        DelCriticalSection(lock);
>>>>        IF NOT mutex.initialized THEN (* Raise after leaving critical section. *)
>>>>          RuntimeError.Raise (RuntimeError.T.OutOfMemory);
>>>>        END;
>>>>      END;
>>>>    END InitMutex;
>>>> Thank you,
>>>>   - Jay
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>> Rodney Bates
>> rodney.m.bates at acm.org
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Rodney Bates
rodney.m.bates at acm.org

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