[M3devel] crash in released cminstall on win32, minor..

j k jayk123 at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 14 02:10:39 CET 2007

crash in cminstall the latest release 5.2.6 or so, like if you just press 
return here without typing something, not sure it repros consistently, not 
sure I'll get to it, since I removed most of the need for configuration...:

What directory contains the Microsoft Visual C++ libraries?

*** runtime error:
***    Attempt to reference an illegal memory location.
***    pc = 0x445d24 = Length + 0x24 in ..\src\text\Text.m3

Stack trace:
   FP         PC      Procedure
---------  ---------  -------------------------------
0x12fcc0   0x456040  SystemError + 0x66 in ..\src\runtime\NT386\RTSignal.m3
0x12fcf4   0x445d24  Length + 0x24 in ..\src\text\Text.m3
0x12fd24   0x406aa8  FindChars + 0x16 in ..\src\Text2.m3
0x12fdcc   0x408080  FilenameWithoutSpaces + 0x65 in ..\src\OSWIN32.m3
0x12fe64   0x40a80d  GenConfig + 0xf51 in ..\src\Main.m3
0x12fe98   0x408e1d  DoIt + 0x51d in ..\src\Main.m3
0x12feb0   0x40c222  Main_M3 + 0x48 in ..\src\Main.m3

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