[M3devel] quake extensions for tests / RFC

Olaf Wagner wagner at elegosoft.com
Wed Feb 6 20:15:26 CET 2008

Quoting "Daniel Alejandro Benavides D." <dabenavidesd at yahoo.es>:

> Hi Olaf:
> Is still possible to add Literate programming support, I mean using   
> several functions that are just a commentary at the end of the file   
> on M3Build.m3:
> http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/cm3/m3-sys/cm3/src/M3Build.m3?rev=1.8;content-type=text%2Fplain
> Also there is a missing one on Built-in functions, one that "copy"   
> the derived source of a noweb file (specifically a generic) from the  
>  Target (e.g LINUXLIBC6) directory of the compiler to the src   
> directory. In that way the compiler can use the source. The name of   
> functions could be: "derived_generic_interface",       
> "derived_generic_implementation"
> This stuff is used on  ldb debugger : http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/nr/ldb/
> The literate programming support was present on DEC SRC M3 I think:
> http://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/LABOR_NETZ/DOKUS/MODULA_3/html/modula-3/html/m3build/noweb.html

Hi again,

I've had a look at all that stuff, even downloaded ldb and installed noweb.
Still, I'd need a simple example to understand what exactly you would
like to have included in CM3 by default. Just the four commented-out
noweb procedures from M3Build.m3? Or more elaborate stuff like that
included in the ldb distribution?

Is there any problem with just including the 4 quake procedures as
template? Anything that would not work?

If you could provide a simple m3 package which contains all the uses
you'd like to see supported, we could even use that as a regression
test add-on. So if you send me a more specific and exact definition
and example, I'll try to add everything that is needed.

I've never done literate programming myself, and haven't got the time
to learn everything now and decide what is needed.

Olaf Wagner -- elego Software Solutions GmbH
                Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 / Gebäude 12, 13355 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 23 45 86 96  mobile: +49 177 2345 869  fax: +49 30 23 45 86 95
    http://www.elegosoft.com | Geschäftsführer: Olaf Wagner | Sitz: Berlin
Handelregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 77719 | USt-IdNr: DE163214194

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