[M3devel] nt386gnu threads?

Jay jayk123 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 28 13:38:38 CET 2008

Um, so the file exists..does it get compiled? Did you look at the m3makefiles?
I skimmed the m3makefiles. I have not tried building PM3 myself.
 - Jay

> To: jayk123 at hotmail.com> CC: m3devel at elegosoft.com> Subject: Re: [M3devel] nt386gnu threads? > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 04:04:50 -0800> From: mika at async.caltech.edu> > I am almost certain it uses Win32 threads. Attached: ThreadWin32.m3> from PM3-Klagenfurt> > Mika> > Jay writes:> >--_ddef1601-2afe-4ff4-9567-11d7fc5d354a_> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable> >> >Can anyone confirm my read that PM3's NT386GNU used user/vtalarm threads?> ....> > > (* Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation *)> (* All rights reserved. *)> (* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. *)> (* *)> (* portions Copyright 1996, Critical Mass, Inc. *)> (* *)> (* Last modified on Fri Apr 26 10:21:56 PDT 1996 by heydon *)> (* modified on Thu Jun 15 09:06:37 PDT 1995 by kalsow *)> (* modified on Tue Oct 4 10:34:00 PDT 1994 by isard *)> (* modified on Tue May 4 10:20:03 PDT 1993 by mjordan *)> (* modified on Wed Apr 21 16:31:21 PDT 1993 by mcjones *)> (* modified on Fri Mar 26 15:04:39 PST 1993 by birrell *)> > UNSAFE MODULE ThreadWin32> EXPORTS Scheduler, Thread, ThreadF, RTThreadInit, RTHooks;> > IMPORT RTHeapRep, RTLinker, RTMisc, WinBase, WinDef, WinNT, ThreadContext;> IMPORT Word;> (*** IMPORT RTIO; ***)> > (*----------------------------------------- Exceptions, types and globals ---*)> > VAR> cm: WinBase.LPCRITICAL_SECTION;> (* Global lock for internals of Mutex and Condition *)> > default_stack: WinDef.DWORD := 16384;> > nextId: Id := 1;> > REVEAL> Mutex = BRANDED "MUTEX Win32-1.0" OBJECT> cs: WinBase.LPCRITICAL_SECTION := NIL;> held: BOOLEAN := FALSE;> (* LL = self.cs *)> (* Because critical sections are thread re-entrant *)> END;> > Condition = BRANDED "Thread.Condition Win32-1.0" OBJECT> waiters: T := NIL;> (* LL = cm *)> (* List of threads waiting on this CV. *)> END;> > T = BRANDED "Thread.T Win32-1.0" OBJECT> next, prev: T := NIL;> (* LL = threadMu; global doubly-linked, circular list of all threads *)> nextIdle: T := NIL;> (* LL = threadMu; global list of idle threads *)> handle: WinNT.HANDLE := NIL;> (* LL = threadMu; thread handle in Windows *)> stackbase: ADDRESS := NIL;> (* LL = threadMu; base of thread stack for use by GC *)> closure: Closure := NIL;> (* LL = threadMu *)> result: REFANY := NIL;> (* LL = threadMu; if not self.completed, used only by self;> if self.completed, read-only. *)> cond: Condition;> (* LL = threadMu; wait here to join, or for rebirth *)> waitingOn: Condition := NIL;> (* LL = cm; CV that we're blocked on *)> nextWaiter: T := NIL;> (* LL = cm; queue of threads waiting on the same CV *)> waitSema: WinNT.HANDLE := NIL;> (* binary semaphore for blocking during "Wait" *)> alertable: BOOLEAN := FALSE;> (* LL = cm; distinguishes between "Wait" and "AlertWait" *)> alerted: BOOLEAN := FALSE;> (* LL = cm; the alert flag, of course *)> completed: BOOLEAN := FALSE;> (* LL = threadMu; indicates that "result" is set *)> joined: BOOLEAN := FALSE;> (* LL = threadMu; "Join" or "AlertJoin" has already returned *)> id: Id;> (* LL = threadMu; unique ID of this thread *)> slot: INTEGER;> (* LL = threadMu; index into global array of active, slotted threads *)> END;> > (*------------------------------------------- Caches of critical sections ---*)> > CONST> CSectCacheSize = 20;> (* Everything should work OK if these are 0 *)> > VAR> cSectCache: ARRAY [0..CSectCacheSize-1] OF WinBase.LPCRITICAL_SECTION;> cSectCacheContents := 0;> > PROCEDURE AllocCSect(m: Mutex) => (* LL = 0 *)> (* If we can take a critical section from the cache, > do so; otherwise create it. In any case, register the containing> Mutex with the GC so that we can clean-up on de-allocation. *)> VAR mcs: WinBase.LPCRITICAL_SECTION := NIL; lost_race := FALSE;> BEGIN> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> IF cSectCacheContents > 0 THEN> DEC(cSectCacheContents);> m.cs := cSectCache[cSectCacheContents];> ELSE> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> mcs := NEW(WinBase.LPCRITICAL_SECTION);> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> IF (m.cs = NIL) THEN> m.cs := mcs;> WinBase.InitializeCriticalSection(m.cs);> ELSE> (* somebody else beat us thru the preceding NEW *)> lost_race := TRUE;> END;> END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> > IF lost_race> THEN DISPOSE (mcs);> ELSE RTHeapRep.RegisterFinalCleanup(m, FreeCSect);> END;> END AllocCSect;> > PROCEDURE FreeCSect(r: REFANY (*Mutex*) ) => (* LL < cm *)> (* Must not dereference any traced REF when called from GC *)> VAR m: Mutex := r;> BEGIN> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> IF m.cs # NIL THEN> IF cSectCacheContents < CSectCacheSize THEN> cSectCache[cSectCacheContents] := m.cs;> INC(cSectCacheContents);> ELSE> WinBase.DeleteCriticalSection(m.cs);> DISPOSE(m.cs);> END;> m.cs := NIL;> END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm)> END FreeCSect;> > (*----------------------------------------------------------------- Mutex ---*)> (* Note: RTHooks.{Unlock,Lock}Mutex are the routines called directly by> the compiler. Acquire and Release are the routines exported through> the Thread interface *)> > PROCEDURE Acquire (m: Mutex) => BEGIN> LockMutex (m);> END Acquire;> > PROCEDURE Release (m: Mutex) => BEGIN> UnlockMutex (m);> END Release;> > PROCEDURE (*RTHooks.*)LockMutex (m: Mutex) => BEGIN> IF (m.cs = NIL) THEN AllocCSect(m); END;> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(m.cs);> IF m.held THEN Die("attempt to lock mutex already locked by self") END;> m.held := TRUE;> END LockMutex;> > PROCEDURE (*RTHooks.*)UnlockMutex(m: Mutex) => BEGIN> IF NOT m.held THEN Die("attempt to release an unlocked mutex") END;> m.held := FALSE;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(m.cs);> END UnlockMutex;> > (*---------------------------------------- Condition variables and Alerts ---*)> > PROCEDURE InnerWait(m: Mutex; c: Condition; self: T) => (* LL = cm+m on entry; LL = m on exit *)> BEGIN> <* ASSERT( (self.waitingOn=NIL) AND (self.nextWaiter=NIL) ) *>> self.waitingOn := c;> self.nextWaiter := c.waiters;> c.waiters := self;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> UnlockMutex(m);> IF WinBase.WaitForSingleObject(self.waitSema, WinBase.INFINITE) # 0 THEN> Choke();> END;> LockMutex(m);> END InnerWait;> > PROCEDURE InnerTestAlert(self: T) RAISES {Alerted} => (* LL = cm on entry; LL = cm on normal exit, 0 on exception exit *)> (* If self.alerted, clear "alerted", leave cm and raise> "Alerted". *)> BEGIN> IF self.alerted THEN> self.alerted := FALSE;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> RAISE Alerted> END;> END InnerTestAlert;> > PROCEDURE AlertWait (m: Mutex; c: Condition) RAISES {Alerted} => (* LL = m *)> VAR self := Self();> BEGIN> IF self = NIL THEN Die("AlertWait called from non-Modula-3 thread") END;> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> InnerTestAlert(self);> self.alertable := TRUE;> InnerWait(m, c, self);> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> InnerTestAlert(self);> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> END AlertWait;> > PROCEDURE Wait (m: Mutex; c: Condition) => (* LL = m *)> VAR self := Self();> BEGIN> IF self = NIL THEN Die("Wait called from non-Modula-3 thread") END;> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> InnerWait(m, c, self);> END Wait;> > PROCEDURE DequeueHead(c: Condition) => (* LL = cm *)> VAR t: T; prevCount: WinDef.LONG;> BEGIN> t := c.waiters; c.waiters := t.nextWaiter;> t.nextWaiter := NIL;> t.waitingOn := NIL;> t.alertable := FALSE;> IF WinBase.ReleaseSemaphore(t.waitSema, 1, ADR(prevCount)) = 0 THEN> Choke();> END;> END DequeueHead;> > PROCEDURE Signal (c: Condition) => BEGIN> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> IF c.waiters # NIL THEN DequeueHead(c) END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> END Signal;> > PROCEDURE Broadcast (c: Condition) => BEGIN> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> WHILE c.waiters # NIL DO DequeueHead(c) END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> END Broadcast;> > PROCEDURE Alert(t: T) => VAR prevCount: WinDef.LONG; prev, next: T;> BEGIN> IF t = NIL THEN Die("Alert called from non-Modula-3 thread") END;> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> t.alerted := TRUE;> IF t.alertable THEN> (* Dequeue from any CV and unblock from the semaphore *)> IF t.waitingOn # NIL THEN> next := t.waitingOn.waiters; prev := NIL;> WHILE next # t DO> <* ASSERT(next#NIL) *>> prev := next; next := next.nextWaiter;> END;> IF prev = NIL THEN> t.waitingOn.waiters := t.nextWaiter> ELSE> prev.nextWaiter := t.nextWaiter;> END;> t.nextWaiter := NIL;> t.waitingOn := NIL;> END;> t.alertable := FALSE;> IF WinBase.ReleaseSemaphore(t.waitSema, 1, ADR(prevCount)) = 0 THEN> Choke();> END;> END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> END Alert;> > PROCEDURE TestAlert(): BOOLEAN => VAR self := Self(); result: BOOLEAN;> BEGIN> IF self = NIL THEN> (* Not created by Fork; not alertable *)> RETURN FALSE> ELSE> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> result := self.alerted; IF result THEN self.alerted := FALSE END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> RETURN result> END;> END TestAlert;> > (*------------------------------------------------------------------ Self ---*)> > VAR> threadIndex: WinDef.DWORD;> (* read-only; TLS (Thread Local Storage) index *)> > VAR (* LL = threadMu *)> n_slotted := 0;> next_slot := 1;> slots : REF ARRAY OF T; (* NOTE: we don't use slots[0]. *)> > PROCEDURE Self (): T => (* If not the initial thread and not created by Fork, returns NIL *)> VAR t: T; x := LOOPHOLE(WinBase.TlsGetValue(threadIndex), INTEGER);> BEGIN> IF (x < 1) THEN RETURN NIL; END;> t := slots[x];> IF (t.slot # x) THEN Die ("thread with bad slot!"); END;> RETURN t;> END Self;> > PROCEDURE SetSelf (t: T) => (* LL = 0 *)> BEGIN> IF (slots [t.slot] # t) THEN Die ("unslotted thread!"); END;> IF WinBase.TlsSetValue(threadIndex, LOOPHOLE(t.slot, WinDef.LPVOID)) = 0> THEN Choke();> END;> END SetSelf;> > PROCEDURE AssignSlot (t: T): INTEGER => (* LL = threadMu *)> BEGIN> (* make sure we have room to register this guy *)> IF (slots = NIL) THEN slots := NEW (REF ARRAY OF T, 20); END;> IF (n_slotted >= LAST (slots^)) THEN ExpandSlots (); END;> > (* look for an empty slot *)> WHILE (slots [next_slot] # NIL) DO> INC (next_slot);> IF (next_slot >= NUMBER (slots^)) THEN next_slot := 1; END;> END;> > INC (n_slotted);> t.slot := next_slot;> slots [next_slot] := t;> RETURN t.slot;> END AssignSlot;> > PROCEDURE FreeSlot (t: T) => (* LL = threadMu *)> BEGIN> DEC (n_slotted);> WITH z = slots [t.slot] DO> IF (z # t) THEN Die ("unslotted thread!"); END;> z := NIL;> END;> t.slot := 0;> END FreeSlot;> > PROCEDURE ExpandSlots () => VAR n := NUMBER (slots^); new := NEW (REF ARRAY OF T, n+n);> BEGIN> SUBARRAY (new^, 0, n) := slots^;> slots := new;> END ExpandSlots;> > (*------------------------------------------------------------ Fork, Join ---*)> > CONST> MaxIdle = 20;> > VAR (* LL=threadMu *)> threadMu: Mutex;> allThreads: T := NIL; (* global list of registered threads *)> idleThreads: T := NIL; (* global list of idle threads *)> nIdle := 0;> > PROCEDURE CreateT(): T => (* LL < threadMu, because allocated a traced reference may cause> the allocator to start a collection which will call SuspendOthers> which will try to acquire threadMu. *)> BEGIN> RETURN NEW(T, waitSema := WinBase.CreateSemaphore(NIL, 0, 1, NIL),> cond := NEW(Condition));> END CreateT;> > (* ThreadBase calls ThreadMain after finding (approximately) where> its stack begins. This dance ensures that all of ThreadMain's> traced references are within the stack scanned by the collector. *)> > PROCEDURE ThreadBase(param: WinDef.DWORD): WinDef.DWORD => VAR self: T; x := LOOPHOLE(param, INTEGER);> BEGIN> LockMutex(threadMu);> self := slots[x];> self.stackbase := ADR(self);> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> ThreadMain(self);> RETURN 0;> END ThreadBase;> > PROCEDURE ThreadMain(self: T) => TYPE> ObjRef = UNTRACED REF MethodList;> MethodList = UNTRACED REF RECORD typecode: INTEGER; method0: ADDRESS END;> VAR next_self: T; cl: Closure; res: REFANY;> BEGIN> LOOP (* The incarnation loop. *)> SetSelf (self);> > LockMutex(threadMu);> cl := self.closure;> self.id := nextId; INC (nextId);> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> > IF (cl = NIL) THEN> Die ("NIL closure passed to Thread.Fork!");> ELSIF (LOOPHOLE (cl, ObjRef)^^.method0 = NIL) THEN> Die ("NIL apply method passed to Thread.Fork!");> END;> > res := cl.apply();> > next_self := NIL;> IF nIdle < MaxIdle THEN> (* apparently the cache isn't full, although we don't hold threadMu> so we can't be certain... *)> next_self := NEW(T);> END;> > LockMutex(threadMu);> self.result := res;> self.completed := TRUE;> > IF next_self # NIL THEN> (* transplant the guts of "self" into next_self *)> next_self.handle := self.handle;> next_self.stackbase := self.stackbase;> next_self.waitSema := self.waitSema;> next_self.cond := self.cond;> > (* put "next_self" on the list of all threads *)> next_self.next := allThreads;> next_self.prev := allThreads.prev;> allThreads.prev.next := next_self;> allThreads.prev := next_self;> > (* put "next_self" on the list of idle threads *)> next_self.nextIdle := idleThreads;> idleThreads := next_self;> INC(nIdle);> > (* finish making "self" an orphan *)> IF allThreads = self THEN allThreads := self.next; END;> self.next.prev := self.prev;> self.prev.next := self.next;> self.next := NIL;> self.prev := NIL;> self.handle := NIL;> self.stackbase := NIL;> END;> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> > Broadcast(self.cond); (* let everybody know that "self" is done *)> > IF next_self = NIL THEN EXIT; END;> self := next_self;> IF WinBase.WaitForSingleObject(self.waitSema, WinBase.INFINITE) # 0 THEN> Choke();> END;> END;> > (* remove ourself from the list of all threads *)> LockMutex(threadMu);> IF allThreads = self THEN allThreads := self.next; END;> self.next.prev := self.prev;> self.prev.next := self.next;> self.next := NIL;> self.prev := NIL;> IF WinBase.CloseHandle(self.waitSema) = 0 THEN Choke() END;> IF WinBase.CloseHandle(self.handle) = 0 THEN Choke() END;> self.handle := NIL;> self.waitSema := NIL;> FreeSlot (self);> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> END ThreadMain;> > PROCEDURE Fork(closure: Closure): T => VAR> t: T := NIL;> id, stack_size: WinDef.DWORD;> prevCount: WinDef.LONG;> new_born: BOOLEAN;> BEGIN> (* determine the initial size of the stack for this thread *)> stack_size := default_stack;> TYPECASE closure OF SizedClosure (scl) =>> IF scl.stackSize # 0 THEN > stack_size := scl.stackSize * BYTESIZE(INTEGER);> END;> ELSE (*skip*)> END;> > (* try the cache for a thread *)> LockMutex(threadMu);> IF nIdle > 0 THEN> new_born := FALSE;> <* ASSERT(idleThreads # NIL) *>> DEC(nIdle);> t := idleThreads;> idleThreads := t.nextIdle;> t.nextIdle := NIL;> t.slot := AssignSlot (t);> ELSE (* empty cache => we need a fresh thread *)> new_born := TRUE;> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> t := CreateT();> LockMutex(threadMu);> t.slot := AssignSlot (t);> t.handle := WinBase.CreateThread(NIL, stack_size,> LOOPHOLE(ThreadBase, WinBase.LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE),> LOOPHOLE(t.slot,WinDef.LPVOID), WinBase.CREATE_SUSPENDED, ADR(id));> t.next := allThreads;> t.prev := allThreads.prev;> allThreads.prev.next := t;> allThreads.prev := t;> END;> IF (t.handle = NIL) THEN Choke() END;> t.closure := closure;> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> > IF new_born THEN> IF WinBase.ResumeThread(t.handle) = -1 THEN Choke() END;> ELSE> IF WinBase.ReleaseSemaphore(t.waitSema, 1, ADR(prevCount)) = 0 THEN> Choke();> END;> END;> > RETURN t> END Fork;> > PROCEDURE Join(t: T): REFANY => VAR res: REFANY;> BEGIN> LockMutex(threadMu);> IF t.joined THEN Die("attempt to join with thread twice"); END;> WHILE NOT t.completed DO Wait(threadMu, t.cond) END;> res := t.result;> t.result := NIL;> t.joined := TRUE;> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> RETURN res;> END Join;> > PROCEDURE AlertJoin(t: T): REFANY RAISES {Alerted} => VAR res: REFANY;> BEGIN> LockMutex(threadMu);> TRY> IF t.joined THEN Die("attempt to join with thread twice"); END;> WHILE NOT t.completed DO AlertWait(threadMu, t.cond) END;> res := t.result;> t.result := NIL;> t.joined := TRUE;> FINALLY> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> END;> RETURN res;> END AlertJoin;> > (*------------------------------------------------ timer-based preemption ---*)> > PROCEDURE SetSwitchingInterval (<*UNUSED*> usec: CARDINAL) => BEGIN> END SetSwitchingInterval;> > (*---------------------------------------------------- Scheduling support ---*)> > PROCEDURE Pause(n: LONGREAL) => VAR amount, thisTime: LONGREAL;> CONST Limit = FLOAT(LAST(CARDINAL), LONGREAL) / 1000.0D0 - 1.0D0;> BEGIN> amount := n;> WHILE amount > 0.0D0 DO> thisTime := MIN (Limit, amount);> amount := amount - thisTime;> WinBase.Sleep(ROUND(thisTime*1000.0D0));> END;> END Pause;> > PROCEDURE AlertPause(n: LONGREAL) RAISES {Alerted} => VAR amount, thisTime: LONGREAL;> CONST Limit = FLOAT(LAST(CARDINAL), LONGREAL) / 1000.0D0 - 1.0D0;> VAR self: T;> BEGIN> self := Self();> amount := n;> WHILE amount > 0.0D0 DO> thisTime := MIN (Limit, amount);> amount := amount - thisTime;> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> InnerTestAlert(self);> self.alertable := TRUE;> <* ASSERT(self.waitingOn = NIL) *>> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> EVAL WinBase.WaitForSingleObject(self.waitSema, ROUND(thisTime*1.0D3));> WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> self.alertable := FALSE;> IF self.alerted THEN> (* Sadly, the alert might have happened after we timed out on the> semaphore and before we entered "cm". In that case, we need to> decrement the semaphore's count *)> EVAL WinBase.WaitForSingleObject(self.waitSema, 0);> InnerTestAlert(self);> END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> END;> END AlertPause;> > PROCEDURE Yield() => BEGIN> WinBase.Sleep(0);> END Yield;> > (*--------------------------------------------------- Stack size controls ---*)> > PROCEDURE GetDefaultStackSize(): CARDINAL=> BEGIN> RETURN default_stack DIV BYTESIZE (INTEGER);> END GetDefaultStackSize;> > PROCEDURE MinDefaultStackSize(new_min: CARDINAL)=> BEGIN> default_stack := MAX (default_stack, new_min * BYTESIZE (INTEGER));> END MinDefaultStackSize;> > PROCEDURE IncDefaultStackSize(inc: CARDINAL)=> BEGIN> INC (default_stack, inc * BYTESIZE (INTEGER));> END IncDefaultStackSize;> > (*-------------------------------------------- Exception handling support ---*)> > VAR handlersIndex: INTEGER;> > PROCEDURE GetCurrentHandlers(): ADDRESS=> BEGIN> RETURN WinBase.TlsGetValue(handlersIndex);> END GetCurrentHandlers;> > PROCEDURE SetCurrentHandlers(h: ADDRESS)=> BEGIN> EVAL WinBase.TlsSetValue(handlersIndex, h);> END SetCurrentHandlers;> > PROCEDURE PushEFrame (frame: ADDRESS) => TYPE Frame = UNTRACED REF RECORD next: ADDRESS END;> VAR f := LOOPHOLE (frame, Frame);> BEGIN> f.next := WinBase.TlsGetValue(handlersIndex);> EVAL WinBase.TlsSetValue(handlersIndex, f);> END PushEFrame;> > PROCEDURE PopEFrame (frame: ADDRESS) => BEGIN> EVAL WinBase.TlsSetValue(handlersIndex, frame);> END PopEFrame;> > (*--------------------------------------------- Garbage collector support ---*)> > VAR> suspend_mu : Mutex;> suspend_cnt : CARDINAL := 0; (* LL = suspend_mu *)> > PROCEDURE SuspendOthers () => (* LL=0. Always bracketed with ResumeOthers, which will unlock threadMu *)> VAR t: T; self := Self (); cnt: CARDINAL;> BEGIN> LOCK suspend_mu DO> cnt := suspend_cnt;> INC (suspend_cnt);> END;> > IF (cnt = 0) THEN> LockMutex(threadMu);> > WinBase.EnterCriticalSection(cm);> (* We must hold 'cm' to guarantee that no suspended thread holds it.> Otherwise, when the collector tries to acquire a mutex or signal> a condition, it will deadlock with the suspended thread that> holds 'cm'. *)> > t := self.next;> WHILE (t # self) DO> IF WinBase.SuspendThread(t.handle) = -1 THEN Choke() END;> t := t.next;> END;> WinBase.LeaveCriticalSection(cm);> END;> END SuspendOthers;> > PROCEDURE ResumeOthers () => (* LL=threadMu. Always preceded by SuspendOthers, which locks threadMu *)> VAR t: T; self := Self (); cnt: CARDINAL;> BEGIN> LOCK suspend_mu DO> DEC (suspend_cnt);> cnt := suspend_cnt;> END;> > IF (cnt = 0) THEN> t := self.next;> WHILE (t # self) DO> IF WinBase.ResumeThread(t.handle) = -1 THEN Choke() END;> t := t.next;> END;> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> END;> END ResumeOthers;> > PROCEDURE ProcessStacks (p: PROCEDURE (start, stop: ADDRESS)) => (* LL=threadMu. Only called within {SuspendOthers, ResumeOthers} *)> CONST UserRegs = Word.Or(ThreadContext.CONTEXT_CONTROL,> ThreadContext.CONTEXT_INTEGER);> VAR t := allThreads; context: ThreadContext.CONTEXT; fixed_SP: ADDRESS;> BEGIN> REPEAT> IF (t.stackbase # NIL) THEN> context.ContextFlags := UserRegs;> IF WinBase.GetThreadContext(t.handle, ADR(context))=0 THEN Choke() END;> fixed_SP := LOOPHOLE (context.Esp, ADDRESS);> IF (t.stackbase - fixed_SP) > 10000 THEN> fixed_SP := VerifySP (fixed_SP, t.stackbase);> END;> p(fixed_SP, t.stackbase); (* Process the stack *)> p(ADR(context.Edi), ADR(context.Eip)); (* Process the registers *)> END;> t := t.next;> UNTIL (t = allThreads);> END ProcessStacks;> > PROCEDURE VerifySP (start, stop: ADDRESS): ADDRESS => (* Apparently, Win95 will lie about a thread's stack pointer! *)> (* Verify that the claimed stack pages are really readable... *)> CONST PageSize = 4096;> CONST N = BYTESIZE (info);> VAR info: WinNT.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION;> BEGIN> > (******> RTIO.PutText ("GC: suspicious stack: [");> RTIO.PutAddr (start);> RTIO.PutText ("..");> RTIO.PutAddr (stop);> RTIO.PutText ("]\n");> RTIO.Flush ();> ******)> > info.BaseAddress := LOOPHOLE (stop-1, ADDRESS);> LOOP> IF (info.BaseAddress <= start) THEN> info.BaseAddress := start;> EXIT;> END;> > IF WinBase.VirtualQuery (info.BaseAddress, ADR (info), N) # N THEN> Choke();> END;> > (*******> RTIO.PutText (" --> "); RTIO.PutAddr (info.BaseAddress);> RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutAddr (info.AllocationBase);> RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutHex (info.AllocationProtect);> RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutHex (info.RegionSize);> RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutHex (info.State);> RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutHex (info.Protect);> RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutHex (info.Type);> RTIO.PutText ("\n");> *******)> > (* is this chunk readable? *)> IF (info.Protect # WinNT.PAGE_READWRITE)> AND (info.Protect # WinNT.PAGE_READONLY) THEN> (* nope, return the base of the last good chunk *)> INC (info.BaseAddress, info.RegionSize);> EXIT;> END;> > (* yep, try the next chunk *)> DEC (info.BaseAddress, PageSize);> END;> > (********> RTIO.PutText (" ==> [");> RTIO.PutAddr (info.BaseAddress);> RTIO.PutText ("..");> RTIO.PutAddr (stop);> RTIO.PutText ("]");> RTIO.PutText ("\n");> RTIO.Flush ();> *******)> > RETURN info.BaseAddress;> END VerifySP;> > (*------------------------------------------------------------ misc. junk ---*)> > PROCEDURE MyId(): Id RAISES {}=> VAR self := Self ();> BEGIN> RETURN self.id;> END MyId;> > (*---------------------------------------------------------------- errors ---*)> > PROCEDURE Die(msg: TEXT) => BEGIN> RTMisc.FatalError ("ThreadWin32.m3", 721, "Thread client error: ", msg);> END Die;> > PROCEDURE Choke() => BEGIN> RTMisc.FatalErrorI (> "ThreadWin32.m3, line 726: Windows OS failure, GetLastError = ",> WinBase.GetLastError ());> END Choke;> > (*-------------------------------------------------------- Initialization ---*)> > > PROCEDURE Init() => VAR> self: T;> threadhandle, processhandle: WinNT.HANDLE;> BEGIN> handlersIndex := WinBase.TlsAlloc();> IF handlersIndex < 0 THEN Choke() END;> > threadIndex := WinBase.TlsAlloc();> IF threadIndex < 0 THEN Choke() END;> > cm := NEW(WinBase.LPCRITICAL_SECTION);> WinBase.InitializeCriticalSection(cm);> > suspend_mu := NEW(Mutex);> suspend_cnt := 0;> > threadMu := NEW(Mutex);> self := CreateT();> > LockMutex(threadMu);> threadhandle := WinBase.GetCurrentThread();> processhandle := WinBase.GetCurrentProcess();> IF WinBase.DuplicateHandle(processhandle, threadhandle, processhandle,> LOOPHOLE(ADR(self.handle), WinNT.PHANDLE), 0,> 0, WinNT.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) = 0 THEN> Choke();> END;> self.slot := AssignSlot (self);> self.id := nextId; INC (nextId);> self.next := self;> self.prev := self;> allThreads := self;> self.stackbase := RTLinker.info.bottom_of_stack;> IF self.stackbase = NIL THEN Choke(); END;> UnlockMutex(threadMu);> SetSelf (self);> END Init;> > BEGIN> END ThreadWin32.
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