[M3devel] SPARC32_LINUX

Jay jayk123 at hotmail.com
Wed May 14 19:46:15 CEST 2008

  I was having some hardware/network problem and as an indirect result, am not running Linux/sparc for a bit.         I was going to make distributions and bring up SPARC64_LINUX, but it'll wait some.          If anyone can help me a bit with Sun-specific problems, please ping me privately.       In the meantime, there is:       http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cm3/uploaded-archives/cm3-base-POSIX-SPARC32_LINUX-1.tar.bz2       It should be called "boot", but something didn't like that.       roughly:       wget http://modula3.elegosoft.com/cm3/uploaded-archives/cm3-base-POSIX-SPARC32_LINUX-1.tar.bz2    tar xf cm3-base-POSIX-SPARC32_LINUX-1.tar.bz2    cd cm3-boot-POSIX-SPARC32_LINUX-1    . ./1.sh    mkdir -p /cm3/bin   cp exe/cm3 /cm3/bin   export PATH=/cm3/bin:$PATH   cd $CVSROOT/scripts/python      ./upgrade.py    and then optionally ./make-dist.py    
or, I'm not sure upgrade ships/installs/copies cm3cg, so:
  cd $CVSROOT/scripts/python      ./do-pkg.py m3cc 
  cp ../../m3-sys/m3cc/SPARC32_LINUX/cm3cg /cm3/bin    OMIT_GCC=yes ./upgrade.py         SHOULD work. /usr/local/cm3 should work, but I find that rather long.Actually I never built beyond "front".   And dynamic linking and garbage collection are both off, for now.      Then again, I suspect nobody runs Linux on SPARC, esp. not here.   It was educational though to bring up a platform on which I couldnot rely on an existing ability to run cm3.
I'll TRY to get back and tie up a bunch of loose ends, there are a lot now, I know..
    - Jay
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