[M3devel] stat file types?

Jay jayk123 at hotmail.com
Sat May 24 11:50:50 CEST 2008

S_IFPIPE appears to be made up by Modula-3.S_IFPORT appears to be made up by Modula-3 as a synonym for S_IFIFO.
This code:
D:\dev2\cm3.2\m3-libs\libm3\src\os\POSIX\FilePosix.i3(36):   error if "fd" is not "S_IFPIPE", "S_IFPORT", or "S_IFSOCK". *)D:\dev2\cm3.2\m3-libs\libm3\src\os\POSIX\FilePosix.m3(47):    | Ustat.S_IFPIPE, Ustat.S_IFPORT, Ustat.S_IFSOCK =>
should check for S_IFSOCK and S_IFIFO.
all references to and definitions of S_IFPORT and S_IFPIPE should go away.
Or did some actual systems actually define either of these?
Most of the *.i3 files set S_IFPORT = S_IFIFO and S_IFPIPE = 0.
Many of them say that there is no S_IFPIPE in their .h file.
Irix has them reversed but the same result: S_IFPORT = 0 and S_IFPIPE = S_IFIFO.
Any objections?
 - Jay
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