[M3devel] release engineering etc

hendrik at topoi.pooq.com hendrik at topoi.pooq.com
Sat May 9 04:15:25 CEST 2009

On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 01:54:25PM +0200, Dragiša Durić wrote:
> expat (an UTF8 before) makes me think we need to allow some flexibility
> in development process - se we can allow some packages not being
> available on all platforms - for some period of time while we find
> somebody to tune it to platforms with initial issues. Somehow we must
> track packages that need more work on specific platform (probably
> already done throgh tinderbox) and use that information to keep loose
> ends under control.
> Some packages will then be tagged beta or something while work is in
> progress.

I browsed the source ttree for expat online earlier today, and there 
seem to be a lot of directories withougt any current files.  Most of 
these are directories that seem to be for specific platforms, leaving me 
to wonder if they have been abandoned, or whether the developers have 
succeeded in unifying them, so they don't need system specific code any 

There may turn out to be fewer variants than you think.

-- hendrik

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