[M3devel] ***SPAM*** Re: Probably missing too much of development sycle, but WTF?

Jay jay.krell at cornell.edu
Wed May 20 08:38:34 CEST 2009

Oops, I guess it is the switch to the new headers (m3core/src/unix/Comon/*.i3) that causes the removal of unused stuff.
 - Jay

> From: jay.krell at cornell.edu
> To: dragisha at m3w.org
> Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 06:33:52 +0000
> CC: m3devel at elegosoft.com
> Subject: Re: [M3devel] ***SPAM*** Re: Probably missing too much of development sycle, but WTF?
> I'll try to make another pass through and put back unused constants, I guess.
> At some point I erred toward removing unused stuff, because everything present was a correctness and portability issue.
> Though I mainly only did such removal with Cygwin, on the basis of it never really existing as a port so the initial version could be minimal.
> I think, maybe I removed other?
> I also removed userthread support from PPC_LINUX and maybe NetBSD/i386.
> It was broken for all platforms and remains so for all Linux platforms.
> Later I developed more portable techniques so it becomes more acceptable to leave stuff in, but convert it to be correct and portable.
> Constants are easy.
>> stuct_sockaddr_un structure
> Structs though are problematic.
> You end up wanting to wrap all the functions that use them.
> Unless they are large structs and then you don't want the waste and you are either stuck, or you maybe wrap at the next level up.
> This is an area actually where we still clone the headers, still work to do to make it portable and safe.
>> make_dir
> No I had forgotten but I see it searching the web.
> You need the dots smushed out?
> - Jay
> ----------------------------------------
>> From: dragisha at m3w.org
>> To: jay.krell at cornell.edu
>> Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 07:41:34 +0200
>> CC: m3devel at elegosoft.com
>> Subject: Re: [M3devel] ***SPAM*** Re: Probably missing too much of development sycle, but WTF?
>> Then please be complete :)
>> AF_UNIX is missing, and also stuct_sockaddr_un structure.
>> Yes I know how to add it. Yes you're pretty radical these days, so
>> please do it your way so you don't have to edit my patch :)
>> Also - you maybe remember make_dir problem I've reported few months (?)
>> ago... I've narrowed it to situation where my earlier patch sets
>> CM3_INSTALL_PREFIX. It started to happen some months after I patched it,
>> and it happens only when shipping m3core.
>> On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 14:37 -0700, jay.krell at cornell.edu wrote:
>>> Yes a little unfortunate but very portable.
>>> - Jay (phone)
>>> On May 19, 2009, at 10:27 AM, Dragiša Durić wrote:
>>>> Now every1 who was using CASE with error results has to adapt one's
>>>> code?
>>>> What is rationale here? Portability?
>>>> TIA!
>>>> INTERFACE Uerror;
>>>> FROM Ctypes IMPORT int;
>>>> (* CONST *)
>>>> VAR EACCES: int;
>>>> VAR EAGAIN: int;
>>>> --
>>>> Dragiša Durić
>> --
>> Dragiša Durić

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