[M3devel] zero sized structs?

Jay K jay.krell at cornell.edu
Thu Oct 4 08:25:53 CEST 2012

	declare_local	 noArgs 0 8 Struct -1522787086 T F 50 v.318

and here is some relevant M3x86 code:
    IF u.in_proc THEN      v := get_temp_var (u, type, s, a, n);    ELSE      v := create_temp_var (u, type, s, a, n);    END;

PROCEDURE get_temp_var (u: U; type: Type; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment;                        n: Name := M3ID.NoID): x86Var =  BEGIN
    (* round size and alignment up to 4 *)
    IF s < 4 THEN      s := 4;    END;
    IF a < 4 THEN      a := 4;    END;

PROCEDURE create_temp_var (u: U; type: Type; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment;                           n: Name): x86Var =  VAR v := NewVar(u, type, 0, s, a, n);  BEGIN    v.loc := VLoc.temp;    v.parent := u.current_proc;
    u.current_proc.framesize := Word.And(u.current_proc.framesize + a - 1,                                         Alignmask[a]);
    INC(u.current_proc.framesize, s);
    v.offset := -u.current_proc.framesize;
    RETURN v;  END create_temp_var;

which isn't clear by inspection...it actually looks likezero size is allowed through commonly...in_proc is rare,so create is common...assuming the frame is already aligned,the size remains unchanged...

Relevant aside: I have been ignoring alignment.I'm inclined to go with something like:
<* ASSERT (size MOD alignment) = 0 *>

If that ever fails, then I will change it to:

FUNCTION RoundUp(a, b: INTEGER): INTEGER =BEGIN  WITH c = a MOD b DO    IF c # 0 THEN      RETURN a + b - c;    END;  END;  RETURN a;END;
size := RoundUp(size, alignment);

and then, more to the point, I'll go with:
IF size = 0 THEN  size = 1;END;

I haven't dug into what the gcc backend would do here, too muchto dig through. :)


I guess I should try both m3x86 and m3cc, and print the addressof these things????

 - Jay

From: jay.krell at cornell.edu
To: m3devel at elegosoft.com
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 06:13:28 +0000
Subject: [M3devel] zero sized structs?

Building obliqrt I get:

****** runtime error:***    <*ASSERT*> failed.***    file "../src/M3C.m3", line 1768***

PROCEDURE GetStructSizes_Declare(self: GetStructSizes_t; type: Type; byte_size: ByteSize): M3CG.Var =BEGIN    IF type = Type.Struct THEN        <* ASSERT byte_size > 0 *>        self.sizes[self.count] := byte_size;        INC(self.count);    END;    RETURN NIL;END GetStructSizes_Declare;

due to presumably:

PROCEDURE ApplyThreadClosure (self: ObliqThreadClosure): REFANY =  VAR noArgs: ARRAY [0 .. -1] OF ObValue.Val;

PROCEDURE HandleWork (self: ObliqWork) =  VAR noArgs: ARRAY [0 .. -1] OF ObValue.Val;
..PROCEDURE EvalThread (                    self  : PackageThread;...noArgs    : ARRAY [0 .. -1] OF ObValue.Val;

What is the meaning of this?

 - Jay

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