[M3devel] helo everyone - videotutorials for modula3

felipe valdez felipevaldez at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 23:04:36 CEST 2011

hi everyone, this is my first post.

since I'm a newbie, it is hard to get anything working.

it took a little work, but I managed t install modula3 on windows.
on linux, I still can't find a suitable deb file.

anyway, I'll figure it out eventually, what I'm interested in, is if anyone
has a link for modula videotutorials?

if these don't exist, is anyone interested in making modula3 videotutorials?

the need arises from the large amount of people that don't know modula, but
could be served from it.

if perhaps, a ssmall 5 mins video was available, this would probably clear
many doubts.

I looked inside youtube for modula3, but i din't find anything interesting,
or relevant for that matter.

I teach CS at a class, and I'm interested in using it as a teaching tool,
but given its current state (hard to install, documentation terse, requires
wizardry to work).
then I'm afraid I won't be able to use it!,

nevertheless, a couple videotutorials, and an MSI is pretty much all I need.

if of course, nobody is interested, i can build those myself (I'm gonna have
to do it eventually anyway, since this is a spanish-speaking audience),

but I thought I'd ask here first, since you guys know all about it.

Any Ideas?

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